Authorities Investigate Triple Homicide in Bosa


The residents of the New Jersey district have not yet emerged from the turmoil for the triple homicide in Bosa.

Authorities found the bodies of three people, who were decapitated, in a parking lot in the area.

of this triple homicide in Bosa were two guards and the son of the owner of the parking lot.

According to the first surveys, it is estimated that about six people arrived at the parking lot in a private vehicle asking about the service.

security guards came to inform them that there had been no service but they were attacked.

However, the perpetrators realized that there were two other people in the place and also decided to take their life.


The victims of this brutal crime have been identified as:

  • Germán Dario Briceño
  • Julio César Reinel
  • Maria Lucía Suárez

One of the relatives of the victims told City News: "We found a knife with which we believe we were killed, they took radios and mirrors."

Two bodies were found in a shed and the other under a truck. 19659002] "When we arrived at the parking lot, we found this crime scene and immediately activated the protocols to investigate what happened," said Colonel Simón Cornejo, commander of the Bosa police.

They found fingerprints that will be the key to the investigation that took the Sijin.

It is believed that the designated criminals and homicides would steal vehicle parts from the park.

For the moment, the relatives of the victims of this triple homicide in Bosa demand justice.


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