Bacca's goal: Arbitration analysts say the piece was valid


4th of July 2018 – 12:02 p.m.



El País Editorial

There is no doubt, the arbitration of the American Mark Geiger in the match between Colombia and the # 39, England for the knockout stages of the 2018 Russia World Cup, was controversial.

One of the games that has the most in the eye of the hurricane was in which he invalidated a goal action from Colombia (striker Carlos Bacca) in overtime because 39, there were supposedly two balls on the ground, something that

Here's the explanation of the play:

This action, without a doubt, could have changed the story of the game, since Colombia ended up losing against the English after a 1-1 in 120 minutes.

(Read also: Come back home! Colombia selection has abandoned Moscow silently).

In social networks, this has been a topic to address. And in journalism, too. For example, referee Jose Borda recently said that this move should not have been invalidated.

"This action was canceled for no reason, it was something inexplicable," Borda said.

Despite this, the disgust in Colombia for elimination in the second round is still very important.

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