begins the annual meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum in Havana, Cuba | news


event, held at Havana (Cuba), is a space in which various representatives of progressive social movements and left-wing parties gathered throughout Latin America, in which new forms of denunciation are denounced. interference and destabilization like soft blows.

The event was attended by the President of the PT of Brazil, Gleisi Hoffman, among other personalities

The event will include specific events for the participation of parliamentarians, women and youth, and As expected, participants will denounce the offensive of the law against progressive Latin American governments, including those of Venezuela and Nicaragua.

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The Sao Paulo Forum is an area of ​​convergence, debate and action of the Meeting of Political Parties and Organizations of the Republic of Sao Paulo left of Latin America and the Caribbean held in 1990 under the auspices of the Workers Party of Brazil

To date, Cuba has hosted two editions of the meeting, that of 1993 and that of 2001.

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