Budget for 2019 to 258.9 billion dollars


The Ministry of Finance yesterday tabled before the Congress of the Republic the draft general budget of the Nation for the 2019 term, valued at 258.9 billion pesos, a figure 10.9% higher than that awarded for this

The head of this portfolio, Mauricio Cárdenas explained that the initiative is 3.7% higher compared to the 2018 budget, regardless of debt service because without this item, the budgeted resources rise to 192.5 trillion pesos against 185.6 trillion dollars this year.

Of the total, 35.37 trillion correspond to investment (13.65%) with a contraction of 9.4% and another 157.1 billion will go to the operation (60.69% ) with which this article grows by 7.2%.

"This budget gives priority to education, a sector which again occupies the first place, with 38.78 billion pesos, It also prioritizes the resources of the health sector, which is allocated 28, 48 billion, with the highest growth compared to 2018, "said Cardenas in a statement.

In addition, it was ensured that the proposal strictly adheres to the guidelines of the tax rule, which implies a decrease in the deficit of 0.7 percentage points of GDP compared to 2018, which is equivalent to an approximate cut of 9 billion pesos.

The Minister also pointed out that the process of this budget will require that Congress and the new government work together to identify items or legal provisions that allow to increase investment destinations by legislation.

The package draws attention to the fact that the departure to fulfill the obligations towards the pensioned population remains the same. 39.4 billion

Defense expenditures were 33.65 billion pesos, while for agriculture 2.09 billion were raised, and for science and technology only 227 billion.

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