C & # 39; is the conciliation between Alvaro Uribe and Daniel Coronell


Last June, the Senator from the Democratic Center and journalist Daniel Coronell agreed to submit a conciliation proposal in response to the chronicler's complaint of defamation and slander. However, Uribe has desisted from conciliation.

Senator Álvaro Uribe Velez; The chronicler Daniel Coronell Archives

The fight between the journalist Daniel Coronell and the senator of Centro Democrático Álvaro Uribe Vélez is always a wedding fight. This time because of Congress's refusal to reconcile with Coronell after the journalist's complaint of defamation and defamation. Sources close to the process confirmed to the newspaper that the conciliation draft agreed last June has failed and that the process will continue before the Supreme Court of Justice.

Although the frictions between Uribe and Coronell are Old Data, the one related to this case is unleashed after a chronicle of the journalist published in the journal Week entitled "Here it is n & # 39; There are no deaths ". There is an email sent by Diego Murillo Bejarano, aka Don Berna to researcher Maria McFarland, author of a book with revelations about paramilitary actions in Colombia. Such a courier reports the ex-president as responsible for the death of Pedro Juan Moreno 12 years ago in a plane crash

(You might be interested: The Senator Álvaro Uribe must retract again against Daniel Coronell)

The discontent of Senator Uribe was obvious and he did not wait for the same day thanks to his Twitter account, he published the following trill: " Daniel Coronell proceeds to a mafia attitude to do electoral damage, his deal with drug traffickers continue to be unpunished and they sue me because I think it would be extraditable. "

For Such message, the Superior Court of Bogotá ordered Uribe to retract, from this same social network: "Daniel Coronell is not requested extradition, so technically he is not extraditable . I used the word, which I rectify on court order, as a personal concept given to Daniel Coronell 's relations with drug traffickers, according to the Cañón brothers' audio, which relations do not. have unfortunately not been studied despite the fact that the Prosecutor has opened an investigation. respect since 2010 and that within the entity have been certified copies of this investigation, "said the congressman.

(In the context: Álvaro Uribe and Daniel Coronell have entered into an agreement to conciliation)

After hearing the decision of the Superior Court of Bogotá, columnist Daniel Coronell spoke of this judicial decision as a victory for journalism and public opinion. "For journalism it is important because there can be no retaliation against journalistic investigations, an operation to discredit, dishonor and murder the character of control against the journalist. This is important for the country as it shows that no one is powerful. Thirdly, it is very important for the formation of public opinion in Colombia because of the fact that it is very important. Former president was the biggest fake news factory in Colombia, he is a permanent generator of false information against people who dared to investigate, "said Coronell in a dialogue with The Radio . [ad_2]
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