Captured 12 members of & # 39; Trianon & # 39; in Antioquia and Putumayo – Medellín – Colombia


This organization, born in Envigado, operates in the southern valley of Aburrá

  12 captured

Among the captured is the second head of the criminal organization integrated with drug trafficking .


Courtesy: Metropolitan Police


On July 31, 2018, 7:36 AM.

After an investigation of about a year and a half the authorities captured 12 members of the organized crime organization (ODIN) "Trianón", originally from the municipality of ; Envigado. In the operations that were conducted in Putumayo and Antioquia alias "Tuso" was captured, the second leader in charge of this criminal organization.

Among the captured criminals are five coordinators of the organization who were the liaisons among the leaders, members of the base and the community in the areas where this organization operates, located in the south of the valley of the # 39; Aburrá. In addition, the capture of six other members and a woman who acted as a financial agent of the organization and was in charge of the management of illicit business accounts was carried out

  The members of & # 39; Trianon & # 39; fall

Alias ​​"Tuso" captured in Puerto Asís Putumayo.


Courtesy of the Metropolitan Police

The National Police managed to seize 26 cartridges of different sizes, eight mobile phones, 220 basic doses of coca and nearly 10 million pesos in cash.

The most remarkable capture of the operation, that of the alias "Tuso", was carried out in the municipality of Puerto Asís, Putumayo; This leader had a record of drug trafficking crimes, robbery and aggravated theft and the use of forged documents. "Tuso" and the 11 other captured, according to the police, were "prosecuted for aggravated conspiracy crimes to commit, manufacture, traffic and carry firearms and ammunition and to traffic, manufacture or transport narcotics." 19659022] Bryan Andrés González Vélez
For the time
[email protected]

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