Caracol wins another match for the note with the last match of Colombia in the World Cup


This reveals figures given by Ibope on Wednesday in his Twitter account, which shows that 'Gol Caracol & # 39; with the transmission of the game of the national team (plus the "extra time" of the previous one) and the badysis after this meeting was placed in the first and third positions in the ranking.

The number of Colombia vs. England reached the top with 21.55 points while "So goes the world cup" is third with 11.85

But these are not the only places where the sports section from the "Cbad del Molusco", also found themselves with the seventh, eighth and tenth places, with & # 39; The game goal (9.34), and the match of Sweden against Switzerland (6.11) plus the badysis of this meeting (7.56).

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The other posts of the top 10 most viewed of Caracol and NCR, in the afternoon and Tuesday At night, they were busy with novels and reality.

Second was "The Reina of Flow" (15.18); in the fourth, the "Challenge & # 39; (11.56); and in the fifth, "The Piloto & # 39; (10.10), from Caracol, while in ninth place, he remained "Masterchef"; (6.15), the only RCN production that entered the July 3 ranking.

Here is the trio of Ibope with the rating data on Tuesday. It should be noted that, to this day, the "shellfish channel" has beaten the chain of Americas in the audience levels in all matches broadcast during the World Cup in Russia

[COL] #RatingOficial – 3 of July 2018

– KantarIBOPEMedia AL (@K_IBOPEMediaAL) July 4, 2018

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