Cartageneros showed his fervor at the Virgen del Carmen | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Cartagena continues to celebrate Carmen's Day of the Virgin. The faithful of the Catholic Church with mbades and processions commemorate the appearance of the patron saint of drivers and navigators in the year 1251.

As every 16 July, the l & # 39; processional itinerary began at 4:00 am in the cathedral Catherine St. Alexandria, in the historic center, walked several streets and returned to the place of departure

Nautical procession

Today was also the customary boating party. The tour came to the statue of the Virgin of Carmen, located in Cartagena Bay, where a Eucharist was formalized, songs and prayers were brought to the Blessed Virgin.

The Virgin of Carmen was escorted by the different units of the Navy, as well as private vessels, pbadengers and tourists, which were integrated around a Eucharistic celebration and moved by faith, to those who protect them during their travels across the sea.

[19659002] Mobility impairments

A caravan of cars that left El Rodeo and advanced along the coast Pedro Heredia Avenue caused mobility problems.

Transcaribe said that the X106, X104 and A103 routes have experienced delays, so he asked the users for understanding, because the vehicles are progressing slowly through the mixed lanes.

For his part, Pope Francisco used his account of Twitter to send a message dedicated to the mother of Jesus

May the Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of Carmel, accompany your steps in the daily journey to the Mountain of God.

– Pope Francis (@Pontifex_es) July 16, 2018

On this celebration

Today the apparition of the Virgin is celebrated in the year 1251 , on Mount Carmel (Israel), to the religious Simon Stock, who, according to the Mariana tradition, she gave him a scapular with the promise of releasing from Purgatory all the souls who took him with him during his lifetime .

This belief was approved by the Pope in 1587 and sustained in faith by thousands of faithful. over time, until we reach our ros dias, thanks to thousands of testimonies of favors received praying with conviction for a difficult cause.

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