Case Fernando Balda would take other "tours" | Policy | news


Quito –

A lawsuit against Colombia for violating its rights, the beginning of new judicial processes and the disclosure of other declbadified files are the following actions that the politician Fernando Balda will undertake, as part of his alleged kidnapping, which took place in this country.

He told the prosecutor's office yesterday, where he went to listen to Fernando Alzate, Colombia's ambbadador to Quito, who had to give his version, but did not participate.

When asked how much he will ask in his application, he replied that his greatest reparation is that it is known that these facts occurred.

See also: The Prosecutor prepares an opinion in the case Fernando Balda

The last to make his version as part of the tax instruction that was finished yesterday was the former secretary of communication in the previous government, Fernando Alvarado, Nigeria.

Balda mentioned that Alvarado reportedly said that he never received any appeal from Pablo Romero, former National Intelligence Secretary (Senain), to build a smear campaign against him.

On an audio broadcast on social networks, which would talk about the former Raúl Chicaiza and the former minister and current MP José Serrano, Balda mentioned that they will define with their lawyers what action they are going promote, as this would compromise the latter.

In the Assembly, he added, it should "cost him the seat".

He says that they are still reviewing declbadified documents. "We have solid evidence, convincing evidence and sufficient evidence to get a sentence (…) what is fully proven is the chain of command of Rafael Correa, Pablo Romero, Raúl Chicaiza and the material authors in Colombia" said Balda.

For Fernando Molina, one of Correa's lawyers, there are inconsistencies in the process, which causes them to doubt the credibility of the actual cooperation of the accused

"M Chicaiza, in the beginning, the actual collaboration, he said that he had communicated by telephone with the former president Correa, could not prove it; Now he says that it was not by telephone but by a personal meeting.Through his social networks, the former president presented his agenda that day and finally the contradictions are obvious, "argued Molina

.With the completion of tax instruction, the prosecutor must ask the judiciary to fix the day and time.

Meanwhile, for the next 23 hearings, the hearing was scheduled to settle the call by Correa with the order of preventive detention taken against him by the National Court of Juice tice. (I)

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