Catatumbo is released after being interned in Bogotá

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On the morning of Saturday, July 7, Pablo Catatumbo, FARC leader, entered the emergency department of Shaio Clinic, in the city of Bogotá, when he suffers from a high feverish image, to put immediately into medical observation.

Then, a member of the political leadership of the same party, Carlos Lozada, recently reported that Catatumbo is already stable and he will soon leave the emergency clinic of the capital clinic, having suffered from a virus.


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At first, Believed that the elected MP had been hospitalized for heart problems, but this rumor was already belied by FARC party leaders, who also accompanied Catatumbo on admission to the clinic.

On Saturday morning, he underwent several tests, since his problem

N We inform the country, friends and members of our party that Comrade Pablo Catatumbo is stable and that he will leave the emergency room in the next few hours. @PCatatumbo_FARC @FARC_EPueblo

– Carlos A. Lozada (@Carlozada_FARC) July 8, 2018

Carlos Lozada expressed in front of the situation, "fortunately, we can inform the country and all the militancy of our party and friends that Comrade Pablo is well, he was hospitalized this morning in the emergency room and l & # 39; 39, information we have is that it was a virus, nothing serious to worry about.In the next hours will be released. "


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It is worth recalling that Pablo Catatumbo will take up his post as a senator on July 20 at the Congeso de la Nation, part of the FARC bench, as it was premeditated thanks to the agreements agreed between the government and the FARC. Former guerrilla, obtaining political participation in the country.


On the morning of Saturday, July 7, Pablo Catatumbo, party leader Farc, entered the emergency area of ​​the Shaio Clinic, in the city of Bogotá, suffering from a condition high fever, to be immediately placed in the medical observation.

Then, a member of the political leadership of the same party, Carlos Lozada, recently reported that Catatumbo is already stable and will soon leave the room. emergency of the clinic of the capital, having suffered from a virus

At first, it was thought that the elected member of Congress had been hospitalized for heart problems, but this rumor was already denied by the leaders of the party Farc , who also accompanied Catatumbo when he was admitted to the clinic

For the morning of Saturday, he had different examinations, since his health problem was present for several days.

We inform the country , friends and members of our party, that Pablo Catatumbo shrimp is stable and will leave the emergency room in the coming hours. @PCatatumbo_FARC @FARC_EPueblo

– Carlos A. Lozada (@Carlozada_FARC) July 8, 2018

Carlos Lozada s expresses before the situation, "fortunately, we can inform the country and all the militancy of our party and friends that comrade Pablo is fine, was hospitalized this morning in the emergency room and the data we have is that it was a virus, nothing serious what to worry about In the next few hours, it will be released. "

It should be remembered that Pablo Catatumbo will take up his duties as a senator on July 20 at the Congeso de la Nación, part of the FARC group, as it was premeditated. to agreements reached between the government and the old guerrillas, the realization of political participation in the country.

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