Chilean prosecutor investigates 158 members of the Church for sexual abuse


A total of 158 members of the Chilean Catholic Church – bishops, priests and laity – are under investigation as perpetrators or complicit in badual abuse of minors and adults for nearly six decades, according to a cadastre revealed Monday by the prosecution national

The cases refer to 144 investigations on events since 1960 and concern 266 victims – including 178 children and adolescents – , according to information provided at a press conference by the prosecutor Luis Torres

"The vast majority of reported incidents correspond to badual crimes committed by priests, priests or persons badociated with institutions of the past. 39 education, "says the cadastre Monday

. clergy at the time of commission of crimes, bishops, priests or priests and deacons, and "persons belonging to the nsagrada", that is to say "brothers, monks, brothers and religious"

The cadastre also includes "lay persons who have exercised a certain function in the ecclesial sphere", as coordinators of the pastoral zones of the schools 19659003] Among the respondents, 74 belong to no religious congregation, while 65 are, for the most part, members of the Salesians and Marists.

The research also identifies 10 lay people.

Regarding the victims, 178 of them are children and adolescents, 31 adults and "58 without specifying, related to previously reported cases" to the validity of the Criminal Procedure Reform (PPR), which began operating in Chile in the year 2000.

Currently, there are 34 ongoing investigations with This procedure is ongoing and 107 have already concluded. In 23 cases, there were convictions and one case was acquitted.

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of five Chilean bishops, four of whom were appointed to cover up badual abuse of priests. The pontiff has severely criticized the hierarchies of the Chilean Church for the treatment they have reserved for victims' complaints

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