Chilean universities fall in the rankings of the best in the world


Chilean universities have more presence but are less competitive "according to the Times Higer Education (THE) measure, which also reported that study homes of our country fell in the rankings .

The publication, made in the United Kingdom and devoted to the world ranking of universities, ranked Chile as the second country with ] " ] largest representation " including 26 houses of study after this Wednesday The Second .

Universities so-called emblematic of our country, the Catholic University maintained its position as the third best in Latin America followed by the University of Chile which fell from the fourth to the sixth place.

] It is followed by the Universi de Concepción [1945900] 7] which rose from position 13 to 17 in the ranking and it is the case of most educational entities in Chile, as l. Catholic University of Valparaíso and the Austral University 25.

Chile itself has experienced tremendous reforms in higher education in recent months (…) and although many of these changes are welcome, of course, It will take some time for the Chilean universities to obtain benefits, "he said in the evening Phil Baty editor of the ranking .

Chile also highlights average than other nations in the region and influence on international research and vision as a study, falling in second place.

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