China will further strengthen cooperation with emerging countries to counter the United States


Beijing.- China urged Friday to intensify cooperation with emerging BRICS partner countries to strengthen further ties in a context of growing economic and trade United States.

Asia will strengthen the coordination of macroeconomic policies with emerging BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, in addition to China itself) in response to the "challenges posed by the policies of some developed countries, "said Deputy Foreign Minister Zhang Jun, referring particularly to the United States.

This week, the US government has taken another step in its trade war with China, announcing the establishment of a $ 200 billion list in Chinese products that will impose additional tariffs.

While the United States "does not respect the norms of international law." The BRICS countries share a clear position on world markets, "said Zhang, reflecting China's official position of becoming the guardian of the country. Free Trade.

"We strongly support multilateralism and the multilateral trade regime" he added. "All BRICS members" oppose unilateralism and trade protectionism, "he said. he declared

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