Civilians at high risk in Catatumbo


There are many rural communities of Convención, San Calixto, Teorama and Hacarí in northern Santander that have not stopped listening to the bullets fired between Eln and Epl, and because of this conflict, they repeatedly asked peace

The most serious thing is that civilians are left unprotected in the middle of the fighting. In the last hours of the village of El Loro de Convención, two girls, aged three and nine, were injured by bullets fired by illegal armed groups.

Versions of the Catatumbo authorities said that one of them had been shot and wounded. his abdomen, the other in his left leg. "Both were evacuated to an badistance center in Ocaña," police said

. From this institution, they confirmed a reward of 10 million pesos for those who provide information about those responsible. "The police vehemently reject these acts in which the civilian population is affected," they added in a statement

This case joins others that have occurred in recent months in this part of the country where civilians are affected. On July 11 a similar confrontation took place in the rural area of ​​Teorama and this time the wounded were two adults and a girl.

Consequence of this, the Personality of this municipality reported the displacement of 35 families who arrived from the village Vijagual to the corregimiento San Pablo. "The concern is great, the situation in the region is still very delicate and the clashes between the illegals do not stop," said one of the human rights defenders in El Colombiano who, for reasons of security, preferred not to reveal his name.

Since Ocaña Hospital, they confirmed that in recent months they have treated 10 civilians, including four children, who arrived with gunshot wounds or improvised explosives.

During the past four months, armed clashes in the Catatumbo area, including Epl, Eln and the army, affected at least 16,000 people, mostly victims of forced displacement.

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