Clan del Golfo, for the moment, will not submit to justice


The illegal armed group says that, because of the speed of time, they can not make hasty decisions, for what they are supposed to be socializing the new law of submission to the inside of the structure

. because of haste, they can not make hasty decisions. Archivo El Espectador

The Gaitanist Self-Defense of Colombia, also called Clan del Golfo, denied Friday an alleged delivery of the illegal armed group to the new law of submission to justice (Law 1908 of 2018) recently sanctioned by the President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos. (You might be interested: They find a cache with 54 kilos of gold from the Gulf clan)

" The given versions are unfounded (…) according to which everything is ready for the subjugation of the justice of the Gaitanists Self-defense envisaged in the law 1908 of 2018, recently approved by the National Congress and sanctioned by the President of the Republic ", affirmed this illegal group.

Although this group positively qualifies the legal issues for surrender to justice, they say that they are socializing the new law within the structure and that once this process is over, "we will proceed to take the decisions that are the case jointly ". The communication also added that, because of haste, they can not make hasty decisions, so they socialize the new law. (Read also: Clan del Golfo has 7000 men, says the prosecutor's office)

The Gulf clan is the largest illegal organization in the country, to the point that it was the main objective of the Operation Agamemnon 2, with which she was deployed to the Public Force throughout the national territory to release Dario Antonio Úsuga, aka Otoniel extradition request by the United States.

Although this goal was not achieved, the operations against this criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking, extortion and other crimes, was decisive. For example, at the end of last year, he died Roberto Vargas Gutiérrez, aka Gavilán second in command of this group, who operated in Córdoba, Sucre and Bajo Cauca Antioqueño Similarly, other strokes that have affected the structure in recent months have been treated

. President Santos has signed the so-called law of collective submission to justice, which establishes the conditions for organized crime groups (GDO) and organized armed groups (GAO) orientate to legal life, with certain advantages . For example, those who collaborate with justice in handing over the minors that they have in their ranks will have a 50% reduction in sentence . Also, could get up to 5% of badets subject to domain extinction . (Read: Clan del Golfo will initiate the collective submission to justice: Santos)

According to the standard, it will be a representative appointed by the GDO or the GAO who will have to express in writing the willingness of these organizations to submit to justice , including the composition of its structure and the illegal activities in which they are involved. Likewise you must indicate which property you have and which has been illegally acquired, how many children you have in your ranks and what are your victims in order to initiate a process of reparation . [ad_2]
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