Colombia: A girl tried to commit suicide and discovered that she had been raped by her father, grandfather and two uncles | Sexual Abuse | Antioquia | Video | World


In Colombia, a minor of only 14 years tried to commit suicide; However, she managed to be stopped on time by her mother. After asking about the reasons that led her to make the terrible decision, the teenager left everyone terrified in admitting that she was being abused by her father her grandfather and two uncles.

The case of badual abuse scandalized the whole country and was put at the disposal of the Commissariat à la famille of the municipality of Frontino ( Antioquia ), when the mother of 39, The child alerted the authorities after hearing confessions from his daughter, who was raped by four members of her family.

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After a series of investigations, the officers indicated that since 19459005 three years the minor had he was the victim of a series of abuses, and in response he cut off his arms in areas that were covered by his clothes, so his mother had not realized what had happened.

Colonel Carlos Mauricio Sierra Commander of the Department of Policía Antioquia badures the media that it is "the most absurd case that we observed in the department", they have been placed under insurability due to the revelations of the minor.

"What we could conclude, thanks to the work of the Office of the Prosecutor, the Police and a government program that called Pegaso, is that there is Three years they abused the minor, who cut off his arms for the situation, "said Sierra, describing it as a suicidal trend.


The depraved were captured on weekends and sent to the Santa Fe prison of Antioquia, according to Radio Caracol indicated . The minor's pope was charged with the felony carnal access crime with less than 14 years, while the grandfather and two uncles were prosecuted for abusive badual intercourse with less than 14 years, the station added.

Operation "Dignity" ", 4 captured for badual crimes.

Grandpa, Dad and two uncles abused as a child.We firmly reject this type of acts that harmed children and adolescents.Caught were with measure of insurance. # YoProtejoLaNiñez

– Cr Carlos Sierra N. (@Policiantioquia) July 10, 2018

The authorities have confirmed that investigations will continue to find out if the mother had some knowledge of what had happened, since there are 3 years of abuse that have never been reported.

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