Colombia team travel to Bogota after the World Cup in Russia | World Russia 2018


Callar. Dodge looks. Sleep not to think. They are almost 20 hours between buses and planes that add a lot of fatigue, exactly what the Colombian team needed to stop the brain and force it not to come back to Moscow night, the cold in the body and tears.

Almost nothing came to the locker room, all the pain exploded on the ground. Yerry Mina lying on the floor, face drenched and frustrated; Mateus Uribe comforted one moment by his coach and another by the rival coach; David Ospina sinks into the shoulder of the first badistant who offers him necessary and uncontrollable relief; Aguilar picking up sadness on the court and boasting pride.

And then, Carlos Bacca. His pain was different in Spartak. Again, another foul, a reproach that the technical body insisted on marking him was unfair, because grabbing the ball when the rest of the group burned him speaks of his courage and commitment. There is only one martyr who dares to move forward.

Because my faith is placed in you my God and today I accept your will is not what I wanted but I accept father only my strength comes from you ? ?? ?? thank you all for the support of this great …

– carlos bacca (@ carlos7bacca) July 4, 2018

"It hurts because everything was delivered and at the end, we had nothing left, "lamented Ospina before the obligation to cross the press zone.

" It hurts but it's part of football, you go quiet because you have given everything, but you have the consternation that we could have won, "chewed El Tigre." Putting the jersey of the national team is an honor and a privilege and that is why we defend it until death, "encouraged Mr. Aguilar, and they went to the tunnel alone, together but with defeat in their hands.

With a broken heart but proud of all we did in this world cup. Proud of this team, we left everything on the field for Colombia. Thank you for the support.
Proud to be Colombian. ??

– Radamel Falcao (@FALCAO) July 3, 2018

Then the lights of the yard went out and what was there in the privacy was a dry silence that not WhatsApp message alert – and there were hundreds – came crashing. It is time to join Falcao's routine prayer, not to apologize or regret but to be proud: to thank the opportunity to have reached the second round of the World Cup in Russia, a feat that even the current world champion would like; to talk about the future courage and tranquility that only results from having fought with his own weapons until when luck has said enough. Silence

Nearly an hour between the stadium and the Moscow airport, an hour and a half in the air in Kazan, 45 minutes more by bus for concentration and a morning of fatigue Mental who left the dining room deserts the breakfast time on Wednesday and ended up being the place to go for lunch. Eat little, more to spend time boarding another plane, this time for more than 16 hours in Bogotá.

And meanwhile, the coaching staff, obsessive and stubborn, watched the game up to twice as full of arguments against arbitration and the suspicion of "no". an enormous injustice: every bullet divided, every doubt was resolved in favor of the English; Bacca's play of purpose

was interrupted in the most absurd way; Barrios' lack that ended in the fault contrasentido against him because, they say, the judge realizes that the aggressor, Henderson, has yellow and to avoid the obvious second yellow punishes the victim. Inaudito

Silence, the main feature of the station that was the center of Colombia's operations during the 22 days of adventure in Russia, was imposed until dawn, when we we had to get up and take another flight, that return home, at 4:30. local time Route sad and inevitable, premature, always inexplicable.

Calla Colombia when Pichi music stops playing, which is the same as his friend Yerry. It was our turn to fall into the trap – that of the British, judges, weather, fate, whatever – and back home we are now watching the World Cup since the sidewalk of the eliminated. In the heat of the tropics and people, who never fail, the sadness of the national team will melt. Let's see if the Law of Silence is finally broken

Jenny Gámez
Special envoy to Russia

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