Come to know the new design of Google Chrome (which is not yet available)


After the recent Gmail image renovation, Google wants to do the same with Chrome, by incorporating "Material Desing", a cleaner design regulation in which fillings and depth effects such as inkjet are used. lighting and shadows predominate Although the new version of the browser has not yet been officially launched, you can already try it through 'Chrome Canary', the version that allows developers to try all the news that Google presents in advance. following these 5 steps:

  • Enter the URL chrome: // flags / # top-chrome-md in the address bar.
  • In the yellow underlined setting, display the menu on the right and choose the option Refresh.
  • Return to the address bar and enter the following web address chrome: // flags / # views-browser-windows
  • Select Enable & # 39; in the drop-down menu of the setting & # 39; Use Views browser windows instead of Cocoa & # 39;
  • Finally, restart the browser

The article continues on the next page

This way, you can now activate the new Google Chrome browser interface, unknown when it is publicly available. [19659010]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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