Controversial video of González V. – National Championships


The elected governor of Alto Paraná, Roberto González Vaesken, appears in a video supporting the idea that "poor work". He did it in a luxury motorhome. He said it was a joke for ex-partners in a WhatsApp group.

"How are your friends? We have a motorhome to go where they want.It is an American house … stove … all the bitch bombón, everything," begins the politician. Altoparana in a video that began to circulate through social networks.

Then González Vaesken asks a person who is drinking in one of the beds of the house: "Fernando … where is Fernando? … And this one answers him, in the "Apparent drunkenness" is c ….. o. "

After, The elected governor asks the person that Fernando calls:" What should the poor do? "Fernando replies," Work the poor, please. Torreani and tighten the screws … Lazy chaparrito. Good. Hot. "

For that, González Vaesken nods and replies:" Fuerza, trabajen! "And closed his video saying," What is the cane is the cane coming down, che! "

A joke [19659007] Consulted González Vaesken on his version of the video, said that it is about him, but that the camper is not his. Video was filmed last Friday at the Minga Guazú Airport, he said. "It was, in his words, a joke that several excompañeros of the" 80 "promotion of the film," I'm not sure. San Jose school filmed and sent to a group of WhatsApp. "Unfortunately, this video has leaked, we are only 16 years old in this group, we have a meeting on August 3, which I can not go , and we made jokes, even the names are mentioned, "he said.

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