Cony Camelo poses in a bikini to ask the lawyer to resign


The scandal of negligence of prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martínez facing corruption cases in Odebrecht continues to grow, as public figures seek to not let the case die without a prior investigation of what happened .

One of these personalities, who has always been very interested in everything that happens in the world Colombian Politics, is actress Cony Camelo, who surprised her followers with a sensual photo to attract attention.

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He succeeded! Aware of the fact that for many, there is something suggestive that does not attract the required attention, the actress has loaded a black and white photo on which we see it in bikini, to express his opinion on the Attorney General of the nation. case, for her, she should resign.

The picture he uploaded it to his twitter account and has already gotten more than 2200 "likes", 543 RT and in over 100 comments, the vast majority of supporters have supported it and even other women have taken a similar picture.


– Cony Camelo (@conycamelo) November 26, 2018

#RENUNCIEFISCALCORRUPTO#RenuncieFiscal #RenuncieFiscal #RenuncieFiscal

Do not forget the Prosecutor.

– ?? Mal … ? (@ patty21_rincon) November 26, 2018

With Odebrecht / Without Odebrecht#RenuncieFiscalCorrupto

– SerVil (@davidkikediaz) November 26, 2018

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