Coomeva admits the crisis but says take action – Inquiry – Justice


EPS Coomeva acknowledged that it was facing a serious crisis – particularly in financial terms – but warned that it was implementing actions to overcome it and thus guarantee health care for its clients. 217,567 users.

He did so through a press release in which he responded to an alert from the Prosecutor General revealed Monday by El TIEMPO, in which he requested that special measures be taken to determine the viability of 39, an EPS with accounts payable in excess of 1. 8 billion pesos.

The health promoter stated that "although he shares concerns about the difficult financial situation facing the health system and in particular the Coomeva PES, it is no less true that from Coomeva, as from the national government, plans are designed and implemented to strengthen the system and society. "

EPS added that nearly 16 million support activities had been provided to more than 2 million affiliates. In addition, only 2.2% of users expressed some type of disagreement.

Coomeva also explained that since 2015 it has been implementing the recovery plan, which is supported by the Superintendency of Health and other government entities.

L & # 39; alert

"We have made significant efforts in terms of financial and administrative management to ensure the provision of health services," said the EPS.
The warning of the Prosecutor General's Office, sent to Supersalud and signed by the lawyer Fernando Carrillo, an administrative disorder was revealed which led Coomeva to respect only 91,87% of the payment commitments contracted during this year only in 2017.

The Crown also badured that, for 2017, the RPP had badets of 1,398 million pesos, a liability of 1,894 million dollars and negative equity of 495,670 million pesos. He added that Coomeva has had preventive measures since 2012.

The Supersalud's response to the Attorney General's request for special measures is now expected.


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