Copa Airlines donates $ 50,000 to cancer patients with limited resources


Panamanian airline Copa Airlines today donated $ 50,000 to meet the basic needs of some 600 cancer patients who have difficulty continuing to treat the disease, including food and transportation.

The National Association of Chemotherapy Patients (Asonapaq) will be used to improve the quality of life and provide patients with greater peace of mind, said Copa Airlines Vice President of Technical Operations , Ahmad Zamany

. Initiative funds were raised in the seventh round of the Copa Tech Ops golf tournament, which brought together airline partners and suppliers in February.

"Every year, we support this tournament to raise funds, we seek Hundreds of patients and their families receive social badistance in food, supplements and drugs, and support them in this process Our contribution is of great value to them, "said Ahamad.

Asonapaq's president, Alicia Luaces, told Efe that the badociation is responsible for choosing patients with fewer resources, to help them with food notebooks. worth $ 80 and transportation with $ 10.

The general director of the hospital of Oncology, Aníbal Villa-Real, explains that some patients experience difficulties and worries because they do not have the economic resources to provide to the needs of their family. "At the National Cancer Institute, we try to provide the best treatment and the best medicine, but we also see how we can help them solve their family, social and economic problems, otherwise the treatment will be useless," said Villa.

He argued that Copa, Asonapaq and hospital staff constitute a pillar for hospital patients, who are taken care of without During the official ceremony, airline volunteers have also delivered essential items, refreshments and shared with patients a "day of beauty", to reiterate their commitment to the communities and the well-being of Panamanians.

Copa Airlines and Copa Airlines Colombia, subsidiaries of Copa Holdings, are among the leading Latin American airlines for pbadengers and goods. These airlines currently serve 78 destinations in 32 countries in North America, Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Throughout the 70 years of uninterrupted exploitation, they have successfully converted the Hub of the Americas, located in Panama, into the first hub of connection across the continent. EFE

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