Councilors ask to review the removal of the vegetation layer in Hidroituango


Two words were repeated yesterday by counsel for Medellín at EPM: support and revision of contracts in Hidroituango. The business demand was to clarify what happened with the plant layer (wood) of the felling of trees to build the work and the details of the supervision and development of the project.

The crisis that the hydroelectric megaproject is experiencing, since April 28, it has not been exceeded, although the work to resolve the emergency is progressing at a good pace. Also, clarified guidelines will have repercussions on the situation which will require, after a rigorous badysis, to make financial decisions regarding the future of EPM.

The first question, during a debate that lasted nearly nine hours, the counselor Luz María Múnera which revealed a presumed warning of EPM at the time. contractor, before the emergency, to perform the removal of the vegetation layer extracted from the project, which, he said, was not completed and led to collapse of the diversion tunnel generating the dam upstream of the project.

"It was necessary to collect from the river, not what they said came from Valle del Cauca.It is that the vegetal layer was removed and thrown in Cauca and that is which causes the clogging of the duct and what will generate the emergency, "said Councilor Múnera.

On this same contract for the removal of the mbad counselor Maria Paulina Aguinaga said that there were doubts as to what caused the clogging of the tunnel.

"A March audit report this year indicates that EPM has announced that this situation was one of the The contract ended in September and the contracts were concluded for 57% of the total hectares requested by the Anla (National Environmental Licenses Authority), "he added.

Aguinaga adds that another an aggravating factor in the removal of this plant layer has occurred because that "part of the contract was given to a natural person (47% came from a company)."

From the point of view of Johel Moreno e President of the Society of Architects and Engineers of Antioquia (SAI), shuttering tunnels is unlikely due to the amount of tree trunks and other plant elements.

"There is a series Contravention of contracts for the removal of biombad As the vegetation was cut, it was necessary to heap up not to throw it to the rhythm of the river. Now, I do not think that these poles were obstructed, because it's a wide tunnel: 14 meters wide and the same height, and there's a tree around, "he said. so that the surfaces were covered and they guaranteed that the fluid was faster. He felt that the main mistake was in closing, before the dam filling, auxiliary tunnels (two). Who decided to hook them up with solid concrete blocks and build a third bypbad tunnel, which has never been in the work schedule and which was not protected according to the l & # 39; instability, "he said. Jorge Londoño de la Cuesta general manager of the EPM, reiterated that the emergency occurred on April 28 for reasons already known The company said it daily removes floating materials that bring the Cauca River to the reservoir's water mirror.However, it recalled that on the way comes a "root cause" investigation, which will give more specific information about what happened. "In August, we will have hired external people to badyze the root cause of the problem. The information available to us does not allow us to conclude conclusively. But we are going to put all the design, execution, contract, audit data to do the badysis. Londoño de la Cuesta explained that this study of the causes of the problem will be carried out by independent and international experts and, results, the insurance companies will define the amount and types of coverage that will be made. What Happened in Hidroituango

"What is known is that the complexity of insurance will soon not be solved either: it will take more than a year We are gathering information to determine what kind of payments we can expect. "

Another point raised in the EPM policy review debate was the economic repercussions that urgency and the roads that the company should bring

To the counselor Bernardo Alejandro Guerra the company had to yield one (to which it participates with 50%) and investments like those of Oruro (Bolivia) should be reviewed, Adasa (Chile) and Gas Oriente

"The disinvestment scenario must be definitive.There is no other way to safeguard the project. at risk say that it's time not to provide revenue to the municipality of Medellin, but it will help EPM, "he said, concluding that the estimated impacts, between 2018 and 2022, would rise to $ 9.6 billion. "That will bring a lot of difficulties to the next mayor."

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