Death of a 74-year-old grandmother who was raped and tortured by 4 criminals in Boyacá


According to the newspaper Extra Boyacá, the criminals entered the humble home – in the village of Ato Viejo, La Cantera area – at night, by force, and tried to steal the woman up close of 2 million pesos from the sale of milk and livestock.

While committing robbery, subjects badaulted the old woman and " after having valuables, they began to badually abuse" adds Minuto 30.

Because of the Age and strength of the criminals, the victim can not defend himself but survives the brutal attack, adds the local newspaper.

Initially, she was transferred to a health center in this municipality. and the authorities. He presented "multiple wounds and tears in his bads," TeleAmazonas said.

The article continues below

Finally, the grandmother died from the wounds that the murderers inflicted on him He pointed to the portal of Antioquia

up to

. at present, the fate of the wretches who committed badual abuse is unknown and there is no trace of them, because during the period when the woman was alive she was born. "Never have the complaint," said the Boyacan newspaper.



Vicky does not understand the intention of the question? The audios look like a script. This gives the impression that you can not question anything.


Carlos Alberto Real (@carlosreal103) July 8, 2018





nYou have a because of wanting to say that LCV, these audios are a libretto


u2014 William Ortega ud83 ud83 ud83c uddf4 udde8 udde8 uddf4 (@ CentroAzul2023) July 8, 2018 ]





But one or the other of the two reasons is not relevant because with audio or without everything will be in impunity OR BY TAX NOT OBLIGED AND COPIES TO THE COMMISSION PREVIOUS ACCUSATION


u2014 Sneider Quevedo (@SneiderQuevedo) July 8, 2018





nFor whom the information is valuable, the provenance is so important as the content. Hence the question of @lcvelez
n Instead, there are those who occupy themselves only with raiting.


u2014 Farid Estefenn (@corazon_lider) 8 July 2018 n




Surely not all conversations , it also looks like a Pietro show that makes the v I'm sorry, and a faithful squire, but it's not strange that you do not know who your boss is from the campaign? It looks like a montage


Fernand Caro (@CaroFernelis) July 8, 2018





nAlways that the question be stupid


u2014 Zonya (@ Zonya1208) July 8, 2018 n





And who imports who has infiltrated, here the question of the journalist should be, @JuanManSantos after the tests will follow for free?


u u14 83 (1945) 8 July 2018





] nThe content of the audios in my opinion s They have the premeditated intention to erase the name of @JuanManSantos trying to make them see the most real conversations is of this world but I generate a little suspicion and I agree with you, who filters and for what?


Marcos Hernandez (@ Marki1020) July 8, 2018 n




It is revealed in the purpose to inform me that I imagine and reveal an open secret that all Colombia knew that at two o'clock Saints Campaigns from Zuluaga entered Odebrech's money


Juan Chica (@camilochicam) July 8, 2018





nThe question is not asked. is not who filters, the question is who organizes them and then it is supposed to filtered to the journalist who wants less santos xa give him credibility, bobitos not Luis Carlos


u2014 Mayulys (@ LilyamVas) July 8, 2018 n



n "}, {" id ":" PP515883 "," titles ": {" main ":" W filters the explosive conversations by Roberto Prieto: "N We must save the president, "facebook": "The explosive conversations of Prieto flee the Odebrecht affair", "seo": "Audios of Roberto Prieto in La W", "sentences": {"main": " This station has had access to some recordings that are the legal proof of the Office of the Prosecutor in the case of the alleged sums that will be entered into the Santos campaign in 2014 and will come from Odebrecht. " }, "categories": {"main": {"slug": "nation", "name": "Naci u00f3n"}}, "urls": {"main": " / nation / audios-roberto -prieto-w-PP515883 "," short ":" "," cms ":" http: / / /? p = 515883 "," external ":" "}," author ": {" creator " : {"user": "carlos.diaz", "name": "Carlos Diaz"}, "owner": null}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "created": 1530884269 , "updated": 1530897280, "images": {"meta": {"title": "Roberto Prieto", "credit": "", "description": "Roberto Prieto", " alt ":" Roberto Prieto "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20170323122443 /roberto-prieto.jpg? Itok = 1530915281 "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: // "," mobile ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront .net / images / 20170323122443 /roberto-prieto-288x162.jpg? Itok = 1530915281 "," average ":" https: / / / images / 20170323122443 / roberto-prieto-482x320.jpg? Itok = 1530915281 "," big ":" https: / / / images / 20170323122443 /oberto-prieto-900x485.jpg? Itok = 1530915281 "," vertical ":" https: / / "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20170323122443 /roberto-prieto-795x470.jpg?itok=1530915281","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage ": "0", "cache": "1", "videos": {"main": null}, "externalUrl": [""] "carousel": "0", "tags": ["Odebrecht","Roberto Prieto","Santos"] "seleccion": "0", "trinoTW": "", "sources" ": [{"title":"Las explosivas conversaciones de Roberto Prieto con Santos y su gobierno","url":"","source":"W Radio"}]," related ": ["","",""]," body2 ":" n


The audios show that those who have authorized contributions Odebrecht knew that they were doing something that was not in accordance with the law and that, apparently, President Santos was not informed of the matter.


In one of the recordings, the campaign director, Roberto Prieto (now in prison), and Claudia. According to the researchers, quoted by La W, it will be Claudia Cas tro, a woman who will be advisor to the First Lady, Mar. Clemencia Rodríguez de Santos.


audio testifies to Prieto's absolute trust with Claudia. In addition, the anxiety of Prieto is evident


The legal interception of the Prosecutor forms part of the entire record and was not published by W. [ Here is the complete conversation:


Prieto (P): Claudia


Claudia (C): What's going on?


Q: What's wrong with the First Lady?


C: No, I did not talk to him today, Why?


Q: No, I just give you a hint to go and talk about it because it is that the subject of the posters is very confused by the president, is not it? this not?


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n n



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n n



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n n


n n



The u2018chiva u2019 who contacted Santos about the gratitude he has with the family of I v. Duke





C: What a pod, queer!


Q: I will tell you the following: as I am, I am going to tell you that the finance committee goes out and explains.


C: But it is that they were not able to realize it, the only huev is you. They become crazy.


Q: Do you want me to tell you a secret? I will save the President and I will put him in the W Monday


C: What will he say, Roberto?

n [19659058] Q: Well, I'm not. I do not do it, I will not talk. But you must save the president


Q: Nobody wants to go out and put the face that founded this question, is not it? I will take them out.


C: But what are they doing to you? I will say to the President: "President, you will take me to war and you will take all that is."


Q: I am going to filter the information and they are starting to call you.


C: Well, then tell me you're filthy. Who knows who filters?


Q: nYou know the whores! So start, come on Villamizar and you know what this meeting. Come on, you who know that.


Q: you must save the president. If they do not want to leave, you have to take them out, Claudia


C: Yes ( u2026) I agree with you.


Q: I have witnesses from this meeting. Yes, but then bastards, if I do not advance them, they say that it was me.


C: No, no, no, of course.


Q: And I tell the story. In addition, Consuelo for me, I ratified it in the house of Juanita 4 or 5 days ago


Q: We must save the president. Say yes, we are probing this shit.


C: Yes, it is the responsibility of the Finance Committee.


Q: I ordered the warnings, but I ordered them because they told me that they were going to ring that. That's the truth. It is otherwise, they throw me to the sea.


C: No, obviously. It's just that they are bastards, as I say.


Q: I am just telling you that you are attentive. Sunday, I give this subject and I will make them leave. No, it's nothing, I will not make any statements.


C: Does not even open the mouth to who knows who filters. No idea.


Q: You will know the whores ( u2026) You must take them out. Otherwise, they will blow up the president


C: They will explode. And, as I say, they can not go out and say that the president knew it because I look like a kidnapped.


Q: As I go out to put on the face. They are not able to tell the print order that u2019.


Q: I told this story to the president. He knows it.


C: I will call Mariana Clemencia to see what she tells me.


Q: But, What will you say?


C: What happened, how is it going?


C: No, she (Marcelo Clemencia) has already told the story, she has already told me the same story as you. They are grateful.


Q: I will save the president. It does not seem right to me, son of a bitch, that the president does not say anything. I was gallant, I went to the other son of a bitch and here there was not a donkey, and the accounts are clear. And I'm just going to tell you one thing, the 2014 campaign will come out flawless, Claudia.


These are the complete audios that I have filtered. \ W:





n n "}, {" id ":" PP516904 "," titles ": {" main ":" This will be the place where Orda and other government officials are located of Duque "," facebook ":" The ex-lawyer will have an badured placement "," seo ":" Prime Ministers and officials will announce that he will have the duke "}," sentences ": { "" The former prosecutor Alejandro Ordo will have an embbady, ​​while Luis Guillermo, director of Duque's presidential campaign, will take over his personal belongings and badume no responsibility. n00fan charge, informs Semana magazine. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nation "," name ":" Naci u00f3n "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / nation / announce- prime ministers-officials-would-ivan-duque-PP516904 "," short ":" "," cms ":" http: / / /? p = 516904 "," external ":" "," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" "," name ":" Edwin Ca fonon "}," owner ": null} , "published": "1", "type": "article", "created": 1531068917, "updated": 1531069209, "images": {"me ta": {"title": "Alejandro Ord u00e3, Ivory Duque and Marta Luc "Ram", "credit": "Photo: Facebook @alejandroordonezm", "description": "Alejandro Ord " Duque and Marta Luke "," alt ":" Alejandro Ord u00f3ez, Iv u00e0n Duke et Marta Luc u00e Ram ", "" fichier ":" https u00e0o u00e0; : / / / images / 20180708164837 /alejandro-ordonez-iv-duque-y-marta-lucia-ramirez.jpg? itok = 1531087210 "}," types ": {" thumb " :"","mobile": "","medio":"","large":"https :// 64837/alejandro-ordonez-ivan-duque-y-marta-lucia-ramirez-900x485.jpg?itok=1531087210","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","u npublishImage":"0","cache":"1","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":[""],"carousel":"0","tags":["Alejandro Ordu00f3u00f1ez","Ivu00e1n Duque"],"seleccion":"0","trinoTW":"","sources":[{"title":"Sonajero de Duque confirmado","url":"","source":"Semana"}],"related":[""],"body2":"n


El medio tambiu00e9n confirmu00f3 que Alicia Arango seru00eda ministra de Cultura y queu00a0Maru00eda Victoria Anguloactual secretaria de Educaciu00f3n de Bogotu00e1, tendru00eda a su cargo el ministerio de Educaciu00f3n.


En otros puestos estaru00edan Jorge Mario Eastman, como posible secretario general de la Presidencia, y Felipe Buitrago, como jefe de Planeaciu00f3n Nacional.


El artu00edculo continu00faa abajo


Adicionalmente, la revista indicu00f3 que Alberto Carrasquilla no asumiru00eda las riendas del ministro de Hac ienda, cargo para el cual su nombre habru00eda sonado.


Cabe aclarar que Ivu00e1n Duque no ha hecho ningu00fan anuncio oficial al respecto.

n"},{"id":"PP516685","titles":{"main":"Niu00f1o y su padre se ahogaron en Cu00f3rdoba mientras usaban atracciu00f3n turu00edstica en el mar","facebook":"El pequeu00f1o tenu00eda 9 au00f1os de edad.","seo":"Niu00f1o y su padre se ahogaron en Cu00f3rd oba mientras se divertu00edan en el mar"},"phrases":{"main":"La tragedia se presentu00f3 en el muelle del municipio de Mou00f1itos, en donde Alexander Bohu00f3rquez y su pequeu00f1o hijo, quien de 9 au00f1os de edad, murieron por inmersiu00f3n, informaron miembros de la Defensa Civil. "},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/nino-su-padre-ahogaron-cordoba-mientras-divertian-mar-PP516685","short":"","cms":"http:///?p=516685","external":""},"author":{"creator":{"user":"","name":"Edwin Cau00f1on"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1530993353,"updated":1530993353,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Muelle de Mou00f1itos, Cu00f3rdoba","credit":"Foto: Facebook Alcaldu00eda de Mou00f1itos","description":"Muelle de Mou00f1itos, Cu00f3rdoba ","alt":"Muelle de Mou00f1itos, Cu00f3rdoba","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":" e-monitos-288x162.jpg?itok=1531011354","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","cache":"0","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":[""],"carousel":"0","tags":["Ahogados"],"seleccion":"0","trinoTW":"","sources":[{"title":"Mueren ahogados padre e hijo de 9 au00f1os en Mou00f1itos","url":"","source":"El Heraldo"}],"related":[""],"body2":"n


El diario El Heraldo reportu00f3 que las primeras hipu00f3tesis sobre la muerte de ambas personas i ndican que cayeron al agua cuando iban con mu00e1s personas en un colchu00f3n inflable que era remolcado por una lancha.


Las vu00edctimas, quienes vivu00edan en el corregimiento Las Mujeres, llegaron sin signos vitales al Centro de Atenciu00f3n Mu00e9dica de Urgencias, Camu, de la poblaciu00f3n, agregu00f3 el rotativo.


El artu00edculo continu00faa abajo


Ademu00e1s, el medio citu00f3 a una dama que al parecer iba con ellos en el colchu00f3n y quien seu00f1alu00f3: u201cSentu00ed que me jalaban por el brazo cuando nos cau00edmosu201d.

n"},{"id":"PP516890","titles":{"main":"Antonio Navarro y Claudia Lu00f3pez iru00edan a consulta para definir candidato a la alcaldu00eda","facebook":"Las elecciones locales de Bogotu00e1 seru00e1n en 2019.","seo":"Consulta interna entre Claudia Lu00f3pez y Antonio Navarro para alcaldu00eda de Bogotu00e1"},"phrases":{"main":"Una nota breve publicada por el diario El Tiempo en la secciu00f3n u2018En secretou2019, muestra que el exgobernador de Nariu00f1o ve con buenos ojos que en una primera fase la Alianza Verde realice una consulta interna. "},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/consulta-interna-entre-claudia-lopez-antonio-navarro-para-alcaldia-bogota-PP516890","short":"","cms":"http:///?p=516890","external":""},"author":{"creator":{"user":"luis.quintana","name":"Luis Quintana"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1531067322,"updated":1531067386,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Claudia Lu00f3pez y Antonio Navarro","credit":"Instagram @claudialopezcl","description":"","alt":"Claudia Lu00f3pez y Antonio Navarro","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":" 62612/captura-lopez-y-navarro-482x320.jpg?itok=1531085387","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","cache":"1","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":[""],"carousel":"0","tags":["Antonio Navarro Wolf","Claudia Lu00f3pez"],"seleccion":"0","trinoTW":"","sources":[{"title":"En secreto / u2018El papu00e1 de los pollitosu2019","url":"","source":"El Tiempo"}],"related":[],"body2":"n


Aunque Claudia Lu00f3pez no ha hecho pu00fablica su aspiraciu00f3n para llegar al Palacio Liu00e9vano, tampoco la ha desmentido, motivo por el que se enfrentaru00edan tal vez con Antonio Navarro en una consulta interna para escoger un u00fanico candidato de ese partido para, segu00fan El T i empo, enfrentar a otros candidatos de centroizquierda.


El diario asegura que Antanas Mockus, Sergio Fajardo y Gustavo Petro estaru00edan en el proceso de selecciu00f3n, pero u201cno se sabe quu00e9 papel jugaru00e1nu201d.


Navarro Wolffu00a0hizo pu00fablica su intenciu00f3n de ir por la alcaldu00eda de Bogotu00e1 el 10 de diciembre de 2017 a travu00e9s de su cuenta de Twitter:



Anuncio oficialmente que no voy a aspirar al Senado de nuevo
Aspiraru00e9 a la Alcaldu00eda de Bogotu00e1 en 2019


u2014 Antonio Navarro (@navarrowolff) December 10, 2017



n"},{"id":"PP516727","titles":{"main":"Hermanos del asesinado dueu00f1o de Surtifruver habru00edan pagado para incriminar a la viuda","facebook":"Destapan nuevo episodio en el ya enredado caso del asesinato del empresario Alonso Orjuela. ","seo":"Investigaciu00f3n del asesinato de Alonso Orjuela, dueu00f1o de Surtifruver"},"phrases":{"main":"La revista Semana obtuvo una versiu00f3n del abogado Mario Enrique Correal, exrepresentante legal de los hermanos del empresario Alonso Orjuela, quien asegura que sus clientes pagaron a un testigo para involucrar a Berta Cecilia Rueda."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/investigacion-asesinato-alonso-orjuela-dueno-surtifruver-PP516727","short":"","cms":"http:///?p=516727","external":""},"author":{"creator":{"user":"javier.segura","name":"Javier Segura"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1531026301,"updated":1531036676,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Jhony Alonso Orjuela Pardo","credit":"Captura video Noticias RCN","description":"Jhony Alonso Orjuela Pardo","alt":"Jhony Alonso Orjuela Pardo","file":""},"types":{"th umb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","cache":"1","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":[""],"carousel":"0","tags":["Crimen dueu00f1o de Surtifruver"],"seleccion":"0","trinoTW":"","sources":[{"title":"Caso Surtifruver, giro inesperado","url":"","source":"Semana"}],"related":["","",""],"body2":"n


El jurista sostiene que los hermanos Jacqueline, Martha Isabel, Doli y Fredy Orjuela sabu00edan del presunto pago de 20 millones de pesos a Fernando Bahamu00f3n Cu00e9spedes, el testigo clave que se encargu00f3 de seu00f1alar a Berta Rueda y Mauricio Parra (su amante) como autores intelectuales del asesinato, reseu00f1u00f3 la revista.


Pero tambiu00e9n, dice la revista, el abogado supo del pago de otros 8 millones de pesos a u00a0una investigadora del CTI de la Fiscalu00eda, para obtener informaciu00f3n del u201cbajo mundou201d que diera pistas sobre los autores del sonado crimen del socio mayoritario de la cadena Surtifruver.


Ese nuevo elemento, sin embargo, ha sido cuestionado por los hermanos Orjuela que aseguraron, a travu00e9s de su nuevo apoderado, que el abogado Correal actu00faa en represalia contra ellos porque le revocaron el poder cuando se confirmu00f3 que el jurista actuaba con deslealtad.


No obstante, y como obra en el proceso, el presunto ofrecimiento de dinero a Bahamu00f3n Cu00e9spedes (cuestionado por su pasado delictivo) habru00eda servido para mantener a Berta Cecilia Rueda y a Mauricio Parra, tras las rejas desde noviembre de 2017.


Incluso, contra el testigo clave se le han comprobado serias inconsistencias en sus versiones pero todavu00eda asu00ed la Fiscalu00eda ha mantenido su testimonio con tal firmeza que, hasta ahora, es la u00fanica versiu00f3n que ha aceptado la justicia como elemento de prueba en el proceso, pese tambiu00e9n a que el detenido Mauricio Parra lo seu00f1alu00f3 de exigir hasta 500 millones de pesos para no declarar en su contra.


La fortuna que estu00e1 en juego supera los 170.000 millones de pesos de una empresa que tardu00f3 mu00e1s de 20 au00f1os en consolidarse.

n"},{"id":"PP516716","titles":{"main":"A testigo contra u00c1lvaro Uribe l e advierten que el Senador es como un Dios","facebook":"A Guillermo Monsalve le han querido meter en la cabeza que al expresidente ni siquiera la justicia lo va a tocar. ","seo":"Pruebas que demostraru00edan que a testigo contra Uribe lo quieren intimidar"},"phrases":{"main":"El periodista Daniel Coronell revela mu00e1s pruebas de lo que seru00eda una campau00f1a orquestada por un abogado cercano al expresidente y un recluso perteneciente a la aristocracia bogotana, para lograr la retractaciu00f3n de Juan Guillermo Monsalve. "},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/pruebas-demostrarian-testigo-contra-uribe-quieren-intimidar-PP516716","short":"","cms":"http:///?p=516716","external":""},"author":{"creator":{"user":"javier.segura","name":"Javier Segura"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1531015547,"updated":1531015547,"images":{"meta":{"title":"u00c1lvaro Uribe Vu00e9lez","credit":"Facebook","description":"u00c1lvaro Uribe Vu00e9lez","alt":"u00c1lvaro Uribe Vu00e9lez","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":" 482x320.jpg?itok=1531033548","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","cache":"0","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":[""],"carousel":"0","tags":["u00c1lvaro Uribe Vu00e9lez"],"seleccion":"0","trinoTW":"","sources":[{"title":"u201cNi siquiera lo van a tocaru201d","url":"","source":"Semana"}],"related":["","",""],"body2":"n


Son 7 los fragmentos de video que el columnista de Semana aporta en la denuncia sobre las supuestas maniobras que el recluso Enrique Pardo Hasche estaru00eda haciendo para que Monsalve retire la versiu00f3n que incrimina a los hermanos Santiago y u00c1lvaro Uribe Vu00e9lez con la presunta conformaciu0 0 f3n de grupos paramilitares.


A Monsalve le han dicho de todo pero tal vez lo que mu00e1s se ha esmerado Pardo Hasche en destacar es el poder e influencia que al parecer Uribe Vu00e9lez tiene en altas esferas de la justicia colombiana.


u201cA Uribe ni siquiera lo van a tocar. El tipou2026 lo van a soltar. u00bfPor quu00e9? (u2026). Pues porque todo estu00e1 para Uribeu201d, dice Pardo Hasche a Monsalve en un video que fue grabado ocultamente en una celda de la cu00e1rcel La Picota, en Bogotu00e1, y que estu00e1 en poder de la Corte Suprema de Justicia.


Esa misma influencia en la rama judicial es la que Pardo Hasche ha querido vender al seu00f1alado testigo como una oportunidad para obtener beneficios carcelarios si cambia su declaraciu00f3n e incrimina al senador Ivu00e1n Cepeda en un presunto caso de compra de testigos en contra de los Uribe Vu00e9lez.


Pero es tal la insistencia en resaltar el poder de Uribe que Pardo Hasche llega hasta la exageraciu00f3n de endiosar al expresidente para obtener de Guillermo Monsalve un gesto conciliador que desenrede la situaciu00f3n ante la Corte.


u201cHaga de cuenta Dios es Uribe. Es Diosu201d, repite el recluso justo despuu00e9s de exaltar las millonarias extravagancias del abogado Diego Cadena, defensor de narcotraficantes y apoderado del expresidente Uribe, y que admitiu00f3 haber ido a La Picota a recoger la retractaciu00f3n de Monsalve, seu00f1alu00f3 Coronell en su columna.


La versiu00f3n que enreda al expresidente, y que Monsalve se ha negado a cambiar, tiene que ver con la presunta conformaciu00f3n de grupos paramilitares en predios de la hacienda Guacharacas, en San Roque (Antioquia).

n"},{"id":"PP516832","titles":{"main":"Accidente en vu00eda Bogotu00e1-La Vega deju00f3 al menos 45 heridos","facebook":"La vu00eda estuvo cerrada durante cuatro horas, pero el paso ya fue habilitado","seo":"Accidente en vu00eda Bogotu00e1 - La Vega deju00f3 mu00e1s de 40 heridos"},"phrases":{"main":"Dos buses, uno intermunicipal y otro turu00edstico, y siete motos se vieron involucradas en el incidente de tru00e1n sito, registrado este domingo a la altura del Alto al Vino, en el municipio de San Francisco."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/accidente-via-bogota-vega-dejo-40-heridos-PP516832","short":"","cms":"http:///?p=516832","external":""},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jimena.martinez","name":"Jimena Martinez"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1531053982,"updated":1531126069,"images":{"meta":{"title":"accidente vu00eda Bogotu00e1 - La Vega","credit":"Twitter @rodrigoprensa.","description":"","alt":"accidente vu00eda Bogotu00e1 - La Vega","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":" p g?itok=1531144070","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","cache":"1","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":[""],"carousel":"0","tags":["accidentes de tru00e1nsito"],"seleccion":"0","trinoTW":"","sources":[{"title":"Al menos 45 heridos deja mu00faltiple accidente en la vu00eda Bogotu00e1 - La Vega","url":"","source":"Noticias RCN"},{"title":"","url":"","source":"Noticias Caracol"},{"title":"","url":"","source":"Twitter"},{"title":"Brutal accidente en vu00eda a La Vega deja alrededor de 45 personas heridas [FOTOS + VIDEO]","url":"","source":"HSB Noticias"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"n


Eso publicu00f3 Noticias RCNy au00f 1adiu00f3 que varios de los heridos han sido trasladados a hospitales de tres municipios.


u201cSe hace traslado de pacientes al municipio de San Francisco, los mu00e1s leves, mientras que los cru00edticos, a los municipios de Facatativu00e1 y La Vegau201d, indicu00f3 la cabo Olga Gaitu00e1n, comandante de Bomberos San Francisco, de acuerdo con el informativo.


El accidente se habru00eda presentado por una falla mecu00e1nica de uno de los vehu00edculos, que terminu00f3 u201carrollando todo lo que iba a su paso hasta parar contra un muro de contenciu00f3n y volcarseu201d, segu00fan HSB Noticias.


El artu00edculo continu00faa abajo


u201cUna averu00eda en los frenos seru00eda la causa de todou201d, agregu00f3 el portal web.


No obst a nte, Noticias Caracol seu00f1ala que el incidente tambiu00e9n pudo haber ocurrido por exceso de velocidad.


La vu00eda estuvo cerrada durante cuatro horas, pero el paso ya fue habilitado, au00f1adiu00f3 el noticiero.


Medios y periodistas han compartido fotografu00edas del incidente en sus cuentas de Twitter. Algunos seu00f1alan que los heridos solo fueron 15, sin embargo, Bomberos ya confirmu00f3u00a0que los heridos son alrededor de 45.



#RodrigoAvilaTV u2013 Accidente mu00faltiple en la vu00eda Bogotu00e1 u2013 La Vega (sector Alto de Minas) deja, al menos, 15 personas heridas. Involucrados varios vehu00edculos y motocicletas. / Noticia en desarrollou2026


u2014 RODRIGO u00c1VILA OSORIO (@rodrigoprensa) July 8, 2018





15 personas heridas deja un accidente de tru00e1nsito en la vu00eda a La Vega. Un bus de servicio intermunicipal habru00eda embestido a siete motociclistas y chocado contra otro bus. @Citytv


u2014 Vu00edctor Castro Gu00f3mez (@vcastrogomez) July 8, 2018





Al menos 40 heridos deja accidente en vu00eda Bogotu00e1 u2013 La Vega


u2014 El Espectador (@elespectador) July 8, 2018



n"},{"id":"PP516794","titles":{"main":"Millonada que habru00edan pagado narcos para meterse a Justicia Especial para la Paz","facebook":"El cupo mu00e1s barato habru00eda sido por 2.500 millones de pesos.","seo":"u00bfCuu00e1nto pagaban narcos para meterse a lista de la JEP de las Farc?"},"phrases":{"main":"El dato lo publicu00f3 El Tiempo, que afirmu00f3 que "uno de los promotores mu00e1s activos de esa trampa fue Marlon Maru00edn (sobrino de u2018Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquezu2019)", que negocia con la justicia esta dounidense luego de que lo involucraran en el caso de narcotru00e1fico de u2018Santrichu2019."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/cuanto-pagaban-narcos-para-meterse-lista-jep-farc-PP516794","short":"","cms":"http:///?p=516794","external":""},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jimena.martinez","name":"Jimena Martinez"},"owner":null},"published":"1","type":"article","created":1531047193,"updated":1531056709,"images":{"meta":{"title":"'Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquez' y 'Jesu00fas Santrich', lu00edderes de la Farc.","credit":"AFP.","description":"'Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquez' y 'Jesu00fas Santrich', lu00edderes de la Farc.","alt":"'Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquez' y 'Jesu00fas Santrich', lu00edderes de la Farc.","file":""},"types":{"thumb":" us-santrich-lideres-de-la-farc-180x180.jpg?itok=1531074710","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"https://d2","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","cache":"1","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":[""],"carousel":"0","tags":["Farc","JEP","Jesu00fas Santrich","Narcotru00e1fico"],"seleccion":"0","trinoTW":"","so urces":[{"title":"EE. UU. alista solicitudes de extradiciu00f3n por narcos en listas de Farc","url":"","source":"El Tiempo"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"n


u201cDe acuerdo con fuentes que conocen el proceso, hay indicios de que los cupos se negociaron en varias regiones del pau00eds por entre 2.500 y 5.000 millones de pesosu201d, aseguru00f3 el diario.


Ese medio tambiu00e9n dio detalles de cu00f3mo se habru00edan ofrecido a algunos narcotraficante ser parte de las listas de las Farc para la Justicia Especial para la Paz (JEP).


Todo, al parecer, se realizu00f3 por medio de unos abogados que iban a cu00e1rceles del pau00eds promocionando los cuposduranteu00a0los u00faltimos dos au00f1os.


El artu00edculo continu00faa abajo


La publicaciu00f3n recuerda que el primer caso con el que se destapu00f3 la trampa fue el deu00a0Segundo Vill otau201cque apareciu00f3 como militante del frente oriental de las Farcu201d, aunque en realidad es un narcotraficante u201cque, segu00fan la Fiscalu00eda, seguu00eda delinquiendo desde prisiu00f3nu201d, mientras que el mu00e1s reciente que se estu00e1 evaluando es el de alias u2018Rambou2019, detenido esta semana.


u201cUn memorando interno de las Farc firmado por Mauricio Jaramillo, u2018el Mu00e9dicou2019, aseguraba que a Villota lo reconocieron con el aval de u2018Jesu00fas Santrichu2019u201d, puntualizu00f3 el periu00f3dico.

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