Death of graffiti artists on the railways, a recurring case in other meters of the world


Just a month ago, the Spanish and English media told the story of Kbag, Trip and Lover, three graffiti writers who were killed in the early morning by a London subway while they were trying to paint a graffiti on one of the Four months earlier, on February 11, the Madrid Metro denounced another group of artists who activated the emergency braking system to go down and paint wagons on line 5.

January 23 From 2013, the scene was repeated in Portugal. The Oporto metro ran on three graffiti artists trying to paint a stopped train. According to a report by Televisión Española Internacional at the time, the boys were accompanied by a third person unharmed

In July 2014, the artist Jason Wulf, 42, was electrocuted by invading the subway tracks. New York to paint a wall near Sunset Park Station

And in December 2013, in Sydney, Australia, Tre Toman, 18, was hit by a train when he jumped on the rails to paint a car. 19659006] The tragedy arrived last Sunday on the tracks of the metro of Medellin. As in London or Porto, three boys entered the tracks to paint cars without permission.

An article in the newspaper "El Español" shows that it is a global trend that began at the beginning of this period. century, and in which the "crews" (groups) of graffiti artists organize "missions" (income without authorization to paint the trains) in the only interest to transgress norms and to gain prestige. "The one who paints the train is more king than the one who only paints the walls," a Barcelona graffiti artist identified as Xavi told the newspaper.

In Medellín no one confirms whether the interest of the three young dead of Bogota was to participate in this trend, but they recognize that their art has a legal division and more "clandestine".

But the circumstances surrounding the entry of Carlos Andrés Lopez Perez (Shuk), 27; Juan David Guávita Leguizamón (Skills), out of 25; and Javier Nicolás Rojas Medina (Suber), of 26, to the system, lead the authorities to think that this case is not very different from those mentioned.

Tomás Elejalde Metro Manager of Medellín, explained that the young people made a "rather careless intrusion because they pbad through the pipes, under the bridges and get to the road by the side of the river (…) They plan these events pbading By Metro's archives, two minutes were taken by young people to get on the road, make a silver paint cover on the car, and then the drawing of the letters with a black spray. "They train to do everything at these speeds (…) is part of the adrenaline of their activity. Almost 100% of the cases we are aware of the intrusion and they have that, so they plan their action according to the reaction time of the authorities, "he said.

Elejalde said the metro has security systems, special surveillance and "intruder cameras" that have accurately detected graffiti access to the riverbank. And abandoned the hypothesis that entered the station Poblado, where they are doing expansion work. "It is one of the most guarded areas, both by the guards and by the people who walk along the lanes at night", he said.

Precisely thanks to this surveillance, the safety of the subway was informed Sunday.Three boys "When safety moves on the site, they were already acting (painting) and take off and this unfortunate event occurred. product we see with great sadness, "said Elejalde.

The pr the Metro Manager is in the hands of the police and the Office of the Prosecutor, as part of the ongoing judicial process

But if surveillance has detected the presence of young people, why the train that was in circulation is not available. Is not it stopped?

Elejalde's response is that the novelty had already been reported to the operators, but because of the braking times, it was not possible to stop the gear before. "That's why access to a railway is banned anywhere in the world.The responsiveness of the speed, inertia and weight of the train prevents fast braking or dry "

In the statement where he relates the incident, the subway sent his condolences to the youth families" that we would have liked to see working with us in a concerted manner as do many artists. "

According to María Yolanda Echeverri Metro's social management professional, more than 200 urban artists participated in activities with the company:" Since 2011, we have recorded 126 viaducto columns intervened, 50 murals, of which 32 in the tram which are now a tourist reference; and 9 bollards of the N and H lines (Metrocable of Sierra Miraflores) intervened with local and national artists. "

On the possibility of painting the wagons, Elejalde said that it is not yet viable." There is a technical problem that we have to deal with and it is the sustainability of vehicles, which have a paint that protects them from corrosion and glbad that can not be scratched for safety reasons. "

in the fences of Picacho's cable works.

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