Demolition of the remains of the viaduct under the construction of Chirajara confirmed


The Concesionaria Vial de los Andes (Coviandes) confirmed that they will demolish the remains that remained standing on the viaduct under construction in Chirajara, which collapsed in January this year in the center of country.

"I confirm that the date of completion of the implosion of the chimney C of the Chirajara bridge is Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 14:00 (19:00 GMT), taking into account the speed of the wind and the traffic In the area at this time of day, "Coviandes said in a letter to Marcela Amaya García, governor of the Meta Department, where the work is located.

The viaduct, located at kilometer 64 of the road that connects Bogotá to Villavicencio, has collapsed in the past. January 15 for an error in the drawings and caused the death of nine workers.

The accident occurred in an area known as Chirajara, a mountainous area where the four-lane road of the Bogotá-Villavicencio road is built. along its 120 kilometers includes dozens of viaducts and tunnels to save complicated orography of the region.

The company said that for the work will be a total closure of the road one hour before the implosion and this measure will extend to One hour after the completion of the work

The detonation will be in charge from the company Demoliciones Atila Implosión, which will use controlled explosives to reduce "seismicity, impact on falling, noise and particle dispersion". 19659003] For this, about 200 kilograms of explosive, 3,000 meters of detonating cord, about 30 detonators and eleven implosion experts will be used

"The demolition of the structure will require fifteen minutes of preparation, less than 15 minutes. one minute for implosion and between five and seven minutes for the dust to dissipate, "he says in the news.


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