Despite the recent discovery of liquid water, life on Mars is not possible for humans


Since science fiction, it has always been speculated that a "colony" of humans could inhabit the soil of Mars Source: LA NACION

The recent discovery of
an underground lake of liquid water on Mars had excited those who predicted the possibility of creating a habitable environment for humans on the red planet. However,
NASA commissioned study puts a damper on this idea

According to this research, Mars could not retain enough carbon dioxide (CO2) sent into the atmosphere to warm its environment.

"Transforming the inhospitable Martian environment into a place that astronauts can explore without any support is not possible with the current technology," NASA said in a press release on the latest news. study.

<img src = "" alt = "The discovery of liquid water on the red planet has been reported there a week [19659007] The discovery of liquid water on the red planet was reported a week ago Source: AFP

"Although the current atmosphere of Mars is composed mainly carbon dioxide, it is too thin and cold to withstand liquid water, an essential ingredient for life.On March, the pressure of the atmosphere is less than one percent of the pressure of the Atmosphere on the earth.All the liquid water on its surface evaporates In the statement, they point out cepend the surface of Mars is today inhospitable to known life forms, "features that resemble riverbeds and mineral deposits. which are formed only by the presence of liquid water prove that, in the distant past, the Martian climate "allowed the presence of liquid water on its surface". "But solar radiation and wind can eliminate both the water vapor and the carbon dioxide from the Mars atmosphere," they added. But neither NASA nor the scientists who conducted the investigation consider the options closed: they leave open what technology allows "in the distant future."

  For NASA, current technology would not allow human life on Mars
For NASA, current technology would not allow human life on Mars Source: LA NACION

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