Diario Extra – FMLN supports Ortega




Medardo González, leader of the FMLN, denies that there is repression

S an El Salvador. (EFE) .- The Secretary-General of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) of El Salvador, Medardo González, said the leftist party "respects and supports" the government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega .

"This (situation of Nicaragua) is a matter of visions and positions, that is why the FMLN respects and supports the Government of Nicaragua, because it was elected by a majority and n & # 39; It was not imposed, "Gonzalez told reporters. The ruling party's general secretary said that "you can not accuse the Nicaraguan government of being imposed, because it is not the case" and that "the rights of citizens are respected in Nicaragua" .

Like the FMLN, Salvadoran President Salvador Sánchez Cerén also lent his support to the government of Daniel Ortega and showed his solidarity for "the destabilizing attempts to change the constitutional order".

"We also sympathize with the government and the people of Sister Nicaragua in the face of destabilizing attempts to change the constitutional order, forcefully overthrow the legitimately elected government and wrest from the population the great social and economic advances" said Sánchez Cerén at the Sao Paulo Forum. .

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