Did the motorcycle barbecue restriction work in Bogotá or not?


After it was announced that this Wednesday, the first of August the measure that banned the motorcycle barbeque in certain areas of Bogotá the members of this union is lifted and citizens in general celebrated the decision, although they requested that security be strengthened to avoid cases of theft.

" On a motorcycle or without a motorcycle flying here the important thing is that security and the transport system are strengthened so people may have options to mobilize" said a citizen who stressed that crimes are not only committed under this modality.

Another citizen said on this subject, "security in Bogota must not only focus on reducing crimes on a motorcycle but also that police officers perform their work effectively"

For its part, the guild of motorcyclists of the capital supported the decision to raise the media and is committed to forming a security network with local authorities, to prevent other cases of flying related to motorcycles.

Miguel Forero, representative of motorcyclists said that this decision demonstrates the commitment of the union with the security of the city.

"We make a pact for life and we commit ourselves to a support network with more than 500 thousand eyes in the city so that we can join the security of Bogotá", ] said the biker.

The decision to mitigate motorcycle theft was enforced between Primero de Mayo Avenue and 100th Street, and Carrera 68 Avenue and Eastern Hills.

In this regard, the Ministry of Mobility delivered a positive balance of the measure in the city.

"In areas where there was barbeque restriction there is a significant reduction in robberies under this modality.The decision was made since it was 39, a provisional plan that was lifted after making several commitments with bikers, in which he maintains the figures of security ", says Juan Pablo Bocarejo, Secretary of Mobility of Bogotá.

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