Dolphin was found dying in Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca: In the Pacific Valle del Cauca fight to save the life of a dying dolphin | Cali


A gray bulge that has moved on one of the beaches of Buenaventura Bay, has caused curiosity among locals. It was a big dolphin who was dying in the sand.

Locals in the midst of their desperation called environmental authorities who went to the site to give medical care to this animal.

"The animal is seriously infested with a fungus that has already damaged its skin, generating ulcers difficult to treat," said experts from the Regional Environmental Directorate, DAR, Western Pacific of CVC. .

The bottlenose dolphin is one of the 30 species that exist in the world and is one of the most common in the Colombian Pacific, they can reach in a few seconds a speed of 35 kilometers per hour and are usually seen in flocks up to 20 people.

"There are some types that are coastal and others that are deeper waters, but it is common to find this type of dolphins in the area," says amileth Perdomo, HVAC Operative Technique, DAR Pacifico West

The expert says that the parasite that affected this individual, will surely lead to gradual deterioration, in addition to being disoriented by what they've tried to heal and take him to sea, but after a few minutes he returns to the coast.

"Perhaps in the next hours or days his death occurs, because the infection is serious," concluded Perdomo


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