Dome of the Colombian Football Federation has been complicit in the fictional sale of tickets according to the SIC – Investigación – Justicia


"The mbadive detour of the box office and its subsequent resale was only possible thanks to the behavior attributed to the Colombian Football Federation (FCF). (…) Deliberate actions and deliberate omissions of the Federation and its leaders ".

With this blunt phrase, Pablo Felipe Robledo, superintendent of Industry and Commerce (SIC), announced the opening of the report of mbadive, fictitious and fraudulent sale against the FCF, Ticketshop, You, Elias businessman José Yamhure Daccarett, Rodrigo Rendón Cano (owner of Real Cartagena), his son Rodrigo Rendón Ruiz, Medardo Romero Alberto Riveros, David Romero Vega and Roberto Saer Daccarett [19659003] But the most serious about the announcement of the CIS is undoubtedly the opening of a formal investigation and a statement of objections against the former and the current dome of the FCF . Indeed, it was ordered to tie the process to its current president Ramón Jesús Jesurún and his predecessor Luis Bedoya, today in the United States as a protected witness in the scandals of the distribution of bribes. the South American Football Confederation. Álvaro González Alzate, leader of Difutbol and resigned president of Dimayor Jorge Perdomo. They are joined by other directors such as Alejandro Hernández, Claudio Cogollo, Elkin Arce, Andrés Tamayo, Rodrigo Cobo, César Carreño, Iván Arce (Administrative Director of Ticketshop) and Leticia Guijarro.

"This investigation was born of suspicion and has become one of the emblematic cases of CIS," he told El Tiempo Robledo . In addition, he revealed that the prosecutor's office has already taken the whole file and is advancing in a parallel investigation.

According to CLC, there is evidence of fraudulent or fraudulent dynamics on the part of the federation. Ticketya's partner and chosen seller Ticketshop, for the fictional sale of tickets to the 9 games played in Barranquilla

  Pablo Felipe Robledo

Pablo Felipe Robledo, Superintendent of Industry and Commerce.

The researchers have evidence that Rodrigo Rendón Cano, owner of the Real Cartagena football team and Ticket Ya, have obtained privileged information from the Federation to find partners and keep the exclusive distribution of tickets.

In the hands of the SIC meetings, calls and emails where Rendón badures that the contract was already tied to him and so he managed to involve Ticketshop and enter as a capitalist partner Elía José Yamhure Daccarett

In addition, inconsistencies were found in the documentation that was transmitted to deliver the contract, August 21, 2015, to the group of friends, by the then President of FCF Luis Bedoya

The Real Winner

The most obvious mistake was in the cost of the proposal. Some sections speak of 40,124 million pesos and others of 37,124 million without even the FCF audit noticing it. For CIS, it is clear that this error was used to eliminate bidders. But it was allowed that at the last minute, the serious inconsistency was amended.

Investigators badure that it was a trick to participate with two offers at the time. Moreover, they also did not respect the requirement to deliver a USB stick with the proposal

and there is even more devastating evidence. CWF has engaged Gamboa & Acevedo's lawyers' office to review the proposals. And according to the documents in possession of EL TIEMPO, he gave the best offer to Primera Fila of Cine Colombia. The second was Ticketshop. In fact, in a parallel badysis, the FCF tax examiner also gave the winner the first row and the third to those who became the winners.

To achieve this, the FCF introduced other variables that allowed the scores to be changed and, unanimously, the CWF Executive Committee to designate Ticketshop as the winner. CLC's opinion was an "overtly capricious and contrary" decision.

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