Donald Trump expressed his desire to work with López Obrador | International


US President Donald Trump congratulated Andrés Manuel López Obrador for winning the presidency of Mexico in a message on his Twitter account, where expresses his willingness to work with the now elected president of the left.

Precisely, the 64-year-old elected President of Mexico, in his victory speech, he said that the US government will be sought after " a friendship and cooperation for development always based on the mutual respect and defense of our compatriots who live and work honorably in this country."

The chief of Morena also received the congratulations of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos who hopes to maintain good relations between the two countries.

Congratulations to Andrés @lopezobrador_ for his electoral triumph in Mexico. I hope that it maintains the excellent relations we have had between our two countries.

– Juan Manuel Santos (@JuanManSantos) July 2, 2018

The presidents of the same political tendency of López Obrador applauded his victory in the presidential elections this Sunday . The first to do this was that of Bolivia, Evo Morales who wanted the success of the elected president's government in his administration.

For his part, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro ] with a message also on Twitter, said that Mexico at the hands of Obrador "triumphs over the truth about the lies and the Hope of the Great Fatherland is renewed

I congratulate the Mexican people and its elected president, ] @lopezobrador_ .That open wide avenues of sovereignty and the 39, friendship of our peoples, truth triumphs lies and the hope of the Great Fatherland is renewed.

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) 2 July 2018

Finally, the president of the Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, far from the political speech of his predecessor, Rafael Correa, with a more sober message, said: " We will continue to strengthen ties and unite hopes."

Congratulations to Andrés Manuel @LopezObrador_ new President of Mexico [19459029MybestwishesfortheAztecpeopleWewillcontinuetostrengthentiesandunitehope

– Lenin Moreno (@Lenin) 2 July 2018

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