Duke appointed Jonathan Malagón Minister of Housing


Yesterday it was confirmed that Jhonatan Malagón will be the housing minister of the government of Iván Duque

Malagón, 33, is an economist graduated with honors from the National University of Colombia, and is also a Business Administrator at the University of London He was a professor at National, Javeriana, Externado and Los Andes Universities. Currently, he is Vice President of Asobancaria.

According to La República, before holding the position in Asobancaria since 2014, Malagón was director of economic badysis at Fedesarrollo, managing director of Compartel – MinTIC, Control Manager of Management and badistant to the CEO and Head of Economic Studies at Telefónica Colombia. He has also worked as a researcher at Anif and as a consultant to UNDP, CAF and the World Bank, among other entities.


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