Duke met the President and King of Spain | World


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The monarch welcomed his guest into the courtroom of the Zarzuela Palace, where both posed for the graphic media, Duque conveyed to the monarch the greetings of the former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe and also the former President Andrés Pastrana, with whom he spoke today on the phone, as explained in front of the cameras.

Previously, while waiting for the king's entry into the room, he thanked the reporters for his presence and said that he was planning to return to Colombia next Monday to train his government team. After the greetings, both moved to Felipe VI's official office to hold a meeting attended by Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell.

Duque went to Zarzuela after You will meet at the Palace of Moncloa with the Spanish Prime Minister, the Socialist Pedro Sánchez, and complete the agenda this afternoon in Madrid with your participation in the Summit of technological innovation and the circular economy, a forum where today Under the title "Vision of the circular economy and innovation in America", the Colombian president will present the program of economic development and protection of the environment that he will promote in Colombia within the framework of his mandate, as he explained it a week ago. in Washington, during his first official trip abroad.

Iván Duque Márquez, candidate of the Conservative Democratic Center founded by Álvaro Uribe, won the presidential elections of June 17 and will badume the leadership of the Colombian state on August 7 for a term four years old, replacing Juan Manuel Santos, president of the country since 2010.

Santos was received by Felipe VI for the last time on May 14 at Zarzuela, where the Reyes offered him a lunch and his wife , Maria Clemencia Rodríguez, who ended a two-day visit to Spain.

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