Duque received the credentials as President of the Republic – Government – Politics


Iván Duque took advantage of this Monday's delivery of the title that accredited him as President of the Republic to clearly mark what his government will be.

While acknowledging that the demobilization and disarmament of the guerrillas were successful those who "have hidden weapons, hide money or reoffend in a crime must have exemplary punishment" .

Regarding the agreement signed with the FARC, he also confirmed that "drug trafficking must cease to be a crime related to political crime" and that the substitution of illicit crops must be mandatory.

The problems that Duque intends to attend in priority, he said.

"The tax burden should be reduced to those who generate jobs to provide opportunities" to "expand the Colombian middle clbad that calls for so much formal work," Duque said.

In addition to taxes and the peace agreement, the president said that along with the rest of the Colombians, wants to liberate the country from "corruption, hatred, patronage and policy".

"We must understand that corruption is a plague that overwhelms all Colombians and sows mistrust, despair and despair, and therefore we must be relentless," he said.

He also urged the political opposition to do a rigorous exercise and to "claim, but not break, that requires, but that does not promote hatred."

Duque announced that on August 7 he will present his legislative proposals, which will include "tougher sentences for corruption, ending the house by the prison limiting the Marta Lucía Ramírez also received his title of first vice president of the Colombian History

The Tax Burden Should Be Reduced to Those Who Generate New Elections Employment to Give Opportunities

New Ministers

Maria Victoria Angulo, Current Secretary Education of Bogota, will be Minister of Education of the next government.

Duque noted that "Angulo is" a young woman Tolima with 18 years of experience in public education, what i is a guarantee for the country's challenges ".

Angulo is an economist at the Universidad de los Andes with a master's degree in social development from the same university, and a master's degree in applied economic badysis in social policy from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona (Spain) [19659003] "Thank you, President-elect, for inviting me to work for education," said Angulo

a young Tolima with 18 years of experience in public education, which is a guarantee for the challenges of the country

The geologist Ricardo Lozano ] was announced Monday by Duque as Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development . Lozano is an expert on climate change and risk management.However, he was the director of the National Water Center of the National Association of Colombian Businessmen. (Andi).

He also held the position of Assistant Director Anointed environmental studies from the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Ideam) between 2007 and 2008 and then held the general direction of the Environmental Institute between 2008 and 2013

to seven ministers announced by their Twitter account. There are still nine to name and, he says, this task will be completed this week.


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