Duque will seek to create a tax exemption for young entrepreneurs


Agencia EFE

The five-year tax advantage for emerging businesses would be included in the tax reform that the incoming government would introduce.

Colombian President-elect Ivan Duque affirmed today that he will present to Congress a tax reform bill that includes tax relief for five years to emerging entrepreneurs of young entrepreneurs .

"I want to play this decision to stimulate youthful emprendimiento in our country," said Duque intervening in a forum on the orange economy organized in Bogotá and bringing together different experts.

In this regard, he reiterated his support for the so-called orange economy, stating that "culture is the best antidote against violence."

Duque, who will badume the presidency of Colombia on Aug. 7, said that before a year and a half will be activated the National Council of the Orange Economy under his government.

The nar anja economy is a concept coined by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) that refers to goods and services that use creativity and intellectual capital with the potential to create jobs, wealth and well-being. tourism and cultural heritage, new media, content software, fashion or architecture, among other disciplines.

Another of the points emphasized by Duque was the creation of "orange development zones", a project that compromises the recovery of urban spaces, such as "El Bronx", an area in the center of Bogotá that for years was a breeding ground for crime and delinquency, today transformed into a meeting point where the forum took place.

The Mayor of Bogotá, Enrique Peñalosa, and the Swedish Ambbadador to Colombia, Tommy Strömberg, attended the third edition of this meeting

. , Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, and Culture, Carmen Vásquez. For his part, the Swedish ambbadador said that his country is a "partner for Colombia in the future", highlighting the creative industries as the way forward.

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