Eight of the 16 Duque Ministries will be in the hands of women | Colombia


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Within two weeks of his possession, President-elect Ivan Duque Márquez has fulfilled his campaign promise of Having at least 50% of his office in the hands of women.

With the appointment yesterday of Silvia Constain as Minister of Information and Communication Technologies (Mintic), eight of the 16 ministries that the new government will have will be held by women, in addition to two administrative departments that have been designated up to here, although they could be more.

The women of the cabinet will be in charge of the interior portfolios, Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez; Education, Maria Victoria Angulo; Culture, Carmen Inés Vásquez Camacho; Justice, Gloria Maria Borrero Restrepo; Work, Alicia Arango Olmos; Minas, María Fernanda Suárez and, Transporte, Ángela María Orozco Gómez as well as ICT

For their part, the men will head the offices of health, finance, foreign affairs, defense, trade, business and finance. 39, agriculture, environment and housing. ] Similarly, at the summit with the governors, Duque appointed lawyer Karen Abudinen, until then director of the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare, Icbf, as her next presidential advisor for the regions.

For the General Secretariat of the Presidency appointed the former Defense Minister Jorge Mario Eastman, also vice president of Juan Carlos Pinzón and vice president in the last elections.

Finally, Duque chose the ex-senator and former representative in the House for the Bolívar Department. Amin, as political secretary of Casa de Nariño, headquarters of the executive.


] At the appointments of the ministers, Gloria Alonso is added as director of the National Planning Department, and that of the former member of Congress Susana Correa Borrero, appointed Director of the National Department for Social Prosperity, two very important posts of high ministerial rank

Alonso is an economist who began his career at the Banco de la República and gets the post after being vice – Entrepreneur of the Republic, while Correa, born Cali, is an industrial engineer from the Javeriana University of Bogota and has studies in administration and business management at Harvard University.

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