El Alto is the most vulnerable city to human trafficking and trafficking – eju.tv


Former border towns, such as Tarija, were a center of concern in the face of transnational crime. The Government has presented today the three-year plan to fight the problem

Jesús Reynaldo Alanoca Paco

The Minister of Government, Carlos Romero, reported today that the city of 39 El Alto is today the most vulnerable to human trafficking because of the high index of the number of missing persons in each administration.

"In 2018, we have 196, of which 92 correspond to La Paz, if we disaggregate more we see that the city of El Alto is the population most vulnerable to trafficking and trafficking human beings before being border towns, like Tarija, "he explained during the presentation of the three-year plan to fight against this crime. the authority states that the disappearance complaints of people over the past 10 years have increased about 10 times . "Ten years ago, the average was 50 for a whole year, in 2016 we had 586 complaints, 452 in 2017 and 196 until now in 2018."

Video of the conference press release:

"There is a black figure because many times these complaints do not correspond to the figure of the milking , some young teens are temporarily fleeing their homes ", Explained Romero.

He said that organizations dedicated to transnational crime are "very powerful" because they have a lot of logistics, technology, and economic resources, which is why he urged to adopt similar strategies. the fight against drug trafficking

"This crime has acquired increasing connotations worldwide, according to some sources, mobilizes 40 billion dollars a year, it is a very profitable business it is the modernization of ESCL avitud ", explained the title

Source: eldeber.com.bo

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