ELN appreciates the support of the Church and shows its willingness to dialogue with Duque | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The chief negotiator of the guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN), Pablo Beltrán, today thanked the Colombian Church for its support to the peace process with the Colombian government and reiterated his willingness to dialogue with the President-elect, Iván Duque

Beltrán expressed gratitude to the head of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, Monsignor Oscar Urbina, in a letter signed in Havana, the place of discussion since last May , and published this Saturday on portal ELN-Paz

The head of the guerrillas has acknowledged the support of the Colombian bishops by taking stock in a "moment of closure": the conclusion this weekend of the sixth cycle of dialogue with the administration of incumbent President Juan Manuel Santos, 17 "We inform you that at the end of this sixth cycle, we continue to work towards the conclusion of an agreement on a new cease-fire bilateral, and the character "The guerrillas have asked the Church to participate again in the verification mechanism" necessary for this Presence of the prelates to the previous Armistice Verification Commission, completed from 1 October 2017 to 9 January 2018.

"In the ELN we are fully available to continue these conversations in the search for". a political solution of the internal conflict that brings us closer to peace, to count on the participation of the society in this effort ", insisted Beltrán.

The National Liberation Army reaffirmed its willingness to receive August 7, the day of the inauguration of the new administration, "Duque Duque's Government Delegates."

Friday Pablo Beltrán advanced "progress" in the negotiations of the new ceasefire in a note published on the web ELN-Paz. The head of the insurgent delegation said they were resolving the "red dots" of the truce, referring to the suspension of operations and the unrestricted movement of military and police forces in the territories.

María Ángela Holguín, Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs, traveled today to Havana to lead a delegation of senior Colombian officials and mediators to try to end the last days of the war. agreement, which should be concluded in the coming days, according to the Cuban press agency Prensa Latina. ELN and the Colombian government began their public phase in February 2017 in Quito, from where they moved to Havana, when Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno withdrew his country as guarantor and sits of the peace process

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