ELN flags were installed in Bello, Antioquia


Terrified are the inhabitants of the corregimiento of San Felix in Bello, north of the valley of Aburrá, by the installation of several flags of the 39, National Liberation Army, ELN in one of the hills of this area

With anti-explosive dogs, police and army visited the area to exclude the presence of explosive that put the community at risk. In addition, investigations are advanced to determine who would be responsible.

At around 6:30 in the morning, citizens noticed the presence of said flags and made the report ] through social networks. The police became aware of the situation after several calls from the community.

In a statement, the secretary of the government of Bello, Jaime Andrés Correa, said that from the municipal administration with the support the Army and the police [19459005carryoutinvestigationsandthepresenceismadeinthiscorregimientotoensurethesecurityinthepopulation

Meanwhile, the possibility of interrogation is not excluded in fact "symbolic" that this guerrilla made known through social networks, to commemorate the 54 years founding of this armed group.

ELN at Antioquia

This fact adds to the badault of the ELN in the department, where it is estimated that 39 there are at least 200 men of this guerrilla.

last fact attributed to this guerrilla in the r It was an attack on a group of soldiers near the village of Puerto Valdivia where the commander and the deputy commander of that police station were killed.

General Alberto Sepúlveda, commander of the Seventh Army Division, said the troop was carrying out work to eradicate illicit crops when they suffered the armed harbadment of subversives. However, the rapid action allowed to repel the attack without leaving injured in uniform .

Military operations are underway in the region to capture the perpetrators of this harbadment, with whom these guerrillas want to protect their roads. drug trafficking as reported by General Sepúlveda.

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