Eln states that it is not behind the threats against journalists | ELESPECTADOR.COM


The armed group rejected the threats of some of the country's leading opinion leaders, such as Jineth Bedoya, María Jimena Duzán and Yolanda Ruíz.

"ELN maintains a cordial and respectful relationship with all journalists and He stated in a statement AFP

Delegation of Dialogues of the National Liberation Army sent a statement rejecting threats received by journalists in the country ] in recent days, with some members of certain political sectors and social organizations.

According to the document, this armed group "has a cordial relationship and respectful with all journalists and communicators "" Rejects the threats made on behalf of the ELN " referring specifically to the appeal that he received at the time the broadcast of the newscast this morning The work of Yolanda Ruíz Jorge Espinosa and Juan Pablo Latorre in RCN Radio

Read more: The government ensures that "we must fight" menac he was against journalists and political leaders

by phone, in which a man who identified himself as a member of this guerrilla told reporters that they had "72 hours to shut up", adds the denunciations made by the sub-editor of El Tiempo Jineth Bedoya journalists of La Silla Vacía and María Jimena Duzán of Semana ]

The latter asked the prosecution to conduct investigations to find the person responsible for the death threats received by Twitter, while the others were declared "immediate military targets" in a pamphlet who circulated last weekend and whose fatherhood is attributed to the Commando C In front of the alarming situation, the president Juan Manuel Santos declared that "we must fight" declared the violence which, for read i, "is the result of a wave of fear, Many people are interested in that fear is multiplying so that they can easily manipulate the population. "

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For its part, The Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP), declared in a statement its concern and asked the National Protection Unit "to implement adequate protective measures to protect the life and the integrity of journalists threatened by the Internet, "as well as the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation" asks the support of criminal computer experts from other countries to find the place where are responsible for these intimidations and that 39; they receive the corresponding judicial penalties. "

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