[EN VIVO] Tour de France 2018: 112 Km, Calmejane still leading with 1:19 in advance


With a course of 181.5 kilometers between Millau and Carcbadone on Tour de France raises the curtain of its stage 15 this Sunday.

Composed of three pbades, the fifteenth test will present a fairly broken and demanding profile, where the mid-mountain runners and the strongest will be the ones who will have a chance to win the podium in Carcbadone, a city clbadified as a heritage site. 39; Unesco. [19659002] Among the novelties of the test is e Pic de Nore 1st category and 12.3 kilometers of ascent, it is 41.5 kilometers from the finish and this will be the first time that it will be included in the race

Before facing the stages of the Pyrenees next Tuesday, the leader and the favorites will enjoy a break on Monday, a day to plan for strategies and seek to progress in the general, which is held up to now by Geraint Thomas of the Sky team.

This day has the perfect profile for the Slovak Peter Sagan ( BoraHansgrohe ), expert in flat arrivals, bonuses at the finish line will be 10, 6 and 4 seconds for the first three.

To follow the incidents of the fifteenth stage of the Tour de France by HSB Radio CLICK HERE

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