Everything is ready for the Sail 2018! Know all the details of the nautical event | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Every four years sailing takes place in Cartagena, one of the most important nautical events in Latin America, as it has become a sailing event that promotes tourism in the city. This meeting began in Cartagena in 2006, which would be the fourth version

According to data from the Caribbean Naval Force, about 200,000 people visited the docks of the Veil in 2014 at La Bodeguita, Port Society and Dock. Tourist Manga, so we expect that this year the number of visits will increase.

For this year, there will be 10 ships from several countries as well as two US and Honduran ships that will arrive in Cartagena on July 21 and will be in charge of a cultural sample that can be enjoyed by the public at no cost.

The sailboats that will visit the city will be from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States and Uruguay to exchange ideas and knowledge about the maritime issues

Emergency Plan

For the realization of this event, the district administration, through through the Office of Risk Management and Disaster Management (OGRD ), it has a vast operation that guarantees the peace of mind of the thousands of participants and crew of the flagship sailboats of the different countries that will land on the docks of the city

"Our specific mission is to coordinate the whole of the emergency response to this important event for the city.As you know, there will be an official ceremony Sunday at the Plaza de la Aduana, where the official opening of the 39th event will take place.We will be there with a unified command post that will have representatives from the different entities that make up the District Risk Council, to be alert to any eventuality, "said Laura Mendoza, chief adviser to the OGRD.

In addition, they will perform permanent technical inspections in the various places where the boats will be moored, check that they meet the standards of ramps, emergency exits, evacuation routes , points of rendezvous and appropriate signaling in order to be able to approach them without problem


The welcome of the sailboats will take place on Saturday, July 21 with the great nautical stop at from 8:00 am The springs will be open from 6 p. m. up to 8 p. M.

For the rest of the days, the docks will be open to the public from 10 am. m. up to 6 p. Mr.

Sailing Week will be held the Inter-American Naval Conference, consisting of maritime commanders from across the continent, from Canada to Argentina, and three additional delegates from other entities.

"It will be a very naval week, very nautical, in which we will have the opportunity to share and to know not only the sailors, but also Cartagena.The crew of all boats totals about 3,000 sailors and we hope to be able to experience other cultures, "said Francisco Cubides, director of the Naval Cadet School

. , a concert will be held in the facilities of the Port Corporation with the help of almost 3000 members of the various crews of ships that will arrive in the city. A unified command post will also be installed to prevent anything that could happen.

The District will deploy approximately 200 staff for these tasks, but will be badisted by public utility staff such as Electricaribe and consortiums of cleanliness

Points where you can visit the sailing ships

The Muelle de la Bodeguita, the Pier of the Cartagena Regional Port Corporation and the Manga Tourist Pier will be open to the public so that you can visit the most beautiful sailing ships and participating ships.

Do not forget to download a newsletter on the Sail website, which does not require prior registration and is completely free, is required to enter the docks and its use is for every day of the event. It is not valid to show it from the cell phone and it can be printed in black and white.

Recommendations for taking advantage of the event

1. When you reach the docks, locate the escape routes and the emergency exits.
2. Observe the safety instructions and preventive measures located on the platforms.
3. We recommend the use of public transportation considering that there is no parking service at the SPRC or the Manga docks.
4. If you visit ships with children and / or older adults, do not lose sight of them and take them by the hand.
5. Remember the use of sunscreen and permanent hydration.
6. The line of access to ships takes about an hour.
7. In case of emergency, approach the security and information personnel located on the docks.

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