Facebook will bring augmented reality to your news feed in the form of commercials



Facebook users will be able to interact with advertisements in the News Feed using their cell phone camera and augmented reality to try different products.


Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, has repeatedly stressed the importance that will take the camera in the flagship application of the social network. In addition to filters for users, this Tuesday we encountered another reason why it is relevant to the business.

Facebook announced today, July 10, that it will start selling commercials that will use augmented reality to showcase its products, and the way they will do it by incorporating the camera . According to Facebook, users will only have to press advertising (when indicated) to start interacting with the product, be it glbades, make-up or anything else, such as furniture or home appliances. mobile games. Users can then decide to buy or download an application.

Part of the 2,200 million monthly users of Facebook has probably already started to see advertisements for Michael Kors clothing and accessories brand, which allows them to try different sunglbades. Facebook says that other brands, like Sephora makeup, will launch their commercials this year.

Advertisers on Facebook account for more than 99% of their quarterly earnings and in the first fiscal quarter of 2018 they contributed $ 11,970 million to the social network – almost 50% more than the same there is a quarter. This ability to broadcast advertisements using the latest technology is likely to draw consumers towards brands, in part because the same users have already experimented and played with augmented reality. Nearly 80 million people in the United States already use RA every month and this number will increase to 120 million by 2021, according to the Boston Consulting Group.

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