Farándula: Carlos Vives in all languages


Many things are ready at any cost. Carlos Vives is a member of the steering committee.

Lucy Vives did her best to inform you about what you said.

Y aunque para Carlos is not a thing to say, one question at a time.

Carlos Vives in the official languages

See this post on Instagram

call me what you want after reading this, but after thinking carefully, here is what I will say in choosing to solve this problem. and yes, even one serious accusation is more than enough for me to say something. In truth, you were a great guy, incredibly professional, respectful and it was a pleasure for me to film you. I am not a judge and my intention here is not to blame. as a student and advocate for women's rights and civil rights in general, however, I can not put your name on our images without recognizing this problem. I'm sorry but I just want to know the following information from you, instead of google … and the whole world • so here it is! • Each photographer accused of badual harbadment should consider it necessary to tell all his future models and ask for their consent afterwards. whether true or false. this industry is vast and too free for its trust, comfort and beauty to be ruined by dishonesty, pride and fear. Art is my sanctuary and I know that I am not the only one. I am a fan of your work, so I have failed to do negative research and ignore my basic rule: we have the resources to do all the necessary research on ALL the people we work with. period. I am grateful to be always vigilant and to always be accompanied during filming. So I'm lucky not to have even a single story of discomfort, abuse or harbadment during my more than 3 years as a bad model with more than a dozen photographers. Even with the MeToo movement, not enough people talk about it. in the world of modeling, so I can not imagine what some men and women live almost every day. I went into this shoot and I spent a blessed morning sharing my serenity, my artistic space and my pbadion with what I felt was a kidred spirit in a safe space .. to discover later, at From many DMs and personal messages concerned that person had been accused of a heartbreaking experience that had been told publicly by a female acquaintance during a photo shoot … So, EVERYONE! This is the last bad collaboration session with a new male photographer. do not say that women are not as capable of atrocities but that's my protest, because men in the arts must see the consequences

A message shared by lucia vives (@lucyvives) on

"Lucy is playing Nueva Orleans. Estudia psicología pero gusta sociología, el activismo. As a defender of human rights. Ha sido una activista in the universidad. Ella es bastante polemica con ese thema. The gusta fotografía. The keywords of the person are unknown ", in English for People en Español.

The starting point: "I do not see what you have to say regarding the content and quality of your trip, but a favor. You have to expect your conference to be completed with the keywords, which is real. "

All the information you need and the images you can imagine and see are the most popular and the most popular.


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