Fear does not let you sleep in the commune 13


Three nights in the middle of the crossfire pbaded the inhabitants of commune 13 of Medellín

Andrés Tobón Villada, Secretary of Security of Medellín acknowledged that the armed clashes took place in the neighborhoods Las Independencias I and Plan del Ché, very close to the escalators that are the symbol of this region.

"It would be shots and cries between criminal structures like" La Torre "and" Bethany "who commit crimes in the upper part of the commune"

While the official said these words yesterday at the base of the staircase, several neighbors came to listen to and confront him, they badure that there were excesses of the public force in the reaction to the shooting. [19659003] Alma *, one of the neighborhood leaders, said that last Sunday the gunfire began after seven in the evening and that a group of policemen entered at least 20 houses, accompanied, according to his story, to illegal actors.

"They were aliases" Sebastian & # 39; from the combo 'Plan del Ché & # 39; with another boy, armed with sticks, from home to home, threatening and striking. They entered 20 houses and took two boys, without a court order, "he said.

Colonel Juan Carlos Rodríguez Sub-commander of the Metropolitan Police, said he was not aware of This situation, denouncing What he confirmed, is that Sunday night, there were two shots of armed men who were trying to generate anxiety.

An inhabitant from the region, whose name we have omitted for security reasons, denounced the fact that the police They also came home that night and said that the bullet that is embedded in his arm was shot down by a policeman

"There were between 8 and 10 policemen who went to my house without a warrant, they took my mother, my sister and I. Outside, there were police officers and the two boys in the combo. one of them, a policeman shot in the air and I do not know whether he fell or the p Istolet is stuck but the bullet fell on me, "he denounced before Colonel Rodriguez

. the staircase to have witnessed the events. The agent, who did not identify himself, reprimanded him, asking him to report when he had evidence and demanding that he present the piece of identity. . The man refused and the police gave up and left.

The boy will undergo surgery in the coming days and says that he will carry the proof – the bullet – with the signatures of his affected neighbors (he is already three pages of signatures, as EL COLOMBIANO was able to confirm ) at the prosecutor's office to investigate alleged police misconduct.

Juan Fernando Gómez representing human rights in Medellin, visited the region yesterday to receive statements from citizens. "Apparently, there were excesses of the police force, bursting into private property without a court order and personal injury.People are wary of the institutionality, in the event of the police. "

In the past two months, the Personería has received 140 statements concerning the abuse of authority and criminal actions of criminal gangs in commune 13.

Secretary Tobón invited citizens to denounce, because he felt that there is still a lack of evidence in the cases. "The number of criminal news has already been opened and Sijín will have to check the information that has been in the media and networks, because it is not concrete," he clarified

and Colonel Rodríguez, citizens can go to the Office of the Prosecutor or use the online security platform, which can provide information anonymously

Other clashes

Tuesday last, after the end of the match between Colombia and England, in the district of Betania, a man was killed. Four hours later, armed clashes took place and according to James Zuluaga human rights defender of the commune, people feared that the police – in the company of illegal immigrants – would enter homes . Colonel Rodríguez clarified that the police had reacted to the shooting and that they did not need a court order: "Last night (Tuesday), we complied with the security and safety requirements. prevented criminals from generating anxiety. "

For security and coexistence, Sisc, homicides in commune 13 increased by 90% this year compared to the same period of 2017.

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