Fecode: "Minecducation" "attack": there is no reason to call the teachers to stop


The Colombian Federation of Educators (Fecode) on Wednesday began a 24-hour national teachers' strike, alleging the government's failure to reach agreements signed last year.

Many teachers concentrated in Bogota, Bucaramanga Cali and Tunja, among other cities to demonstrate against the current government and also for the appointment of Minister of Education Iván Duque, María Victoria Angulo .

Yaneth Giha Tovar, Minister of Education, rejected the protests by teachers and he badured that there are no reasons that justify this strike which affects the right to the Education of millions of children in the country. "

" According to the agreement we signed with Fecode in 2017, there is no reason justified 24-hour unemployment, the third of the year "Giha has stated in an interview with "RCN Radio"

He argued that the government has respected the agreement and has always been willing to dialogue with Fecode to resolve the differences without affecting the children. [19659002] As Fecode is well aware, there is a Monitoring Commission which has existed since the signing of the agreements and it is in this case that the differences must be discussed or concerns, not modifying the clbades. children and young people from Colombia "he said.

The Chief of the Education Portfolio notes that of the collective agreement signed in 2017 between the Government and teachers, which is composed of 24 points, 18 have been completed and the others are in the process of compliance.

He pointed to the increase in teachers' salaries to three points higher than that decreed for other civil servants. And he recalled that in December, teachers will begin to receive a bonus equivalent to 6% of their salary

" Education is an essential public service that can not be violated and recognized by Fecode in the agreements we signed last year.Our children have the right to attend clbades without interruption "said the official.

Finally, she stated that the government rejects any threat to teachers in the country and has taken the necessary steps to ensure the safety of teachers. " For the sector, it is essential to clarify the causes and find the alleged perpetrators of possible threats denounced by the teachers. teachers . "

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