FEMINICIDIO: The murderer of Laura Juliana Jojoa in Armenia has been sent to prison | Armenia


Amidst strict security measures, the hearing on the legalization of the capture, the formulation of the charges and the demand for an insurance measure against Roberto José stood in Room 1 of the Courthouse of Armenia. Silvera Escobar the man who was captured by the Sijin police as responsible for the killing of Laura Juliana Jojoa Murillo, 21, the events that took place on July 9 in the heart of the capital from Quindío. 19659002] Pijao City Judge Darío Alberto Alzate legalized the capture of Roberto José Silvera Escobar as the alleged perpetrator of Laura Juliana Jojoa's feminicide, and legalized the seizure of several clothes alleged to have been used to commit l & # 39; homicide.

With videos, testimonials, photos, clothing, sufficient test material and citizen collaboration the 18th Armenian Prosecutor, Jorge Eduardo García, explains how the accused planned the homicide of the young woman. the person responsible for the murder, to the point that the captured man accepted the charges.