Fight between Tomás Uribe and Esteban Santos for the affairs of the sons of the former president – Politics


Almost ready to leave the Casa de Nariño, which was his home for 8 years, Esteban, the youngest son of President Juan Manuel Santos, boasts of leaving with the same heritage with which he entered this Place

In a trill released Wednesday, Esteban said: "This gives me the peace of mind to be able to say that after 8 years of my father's government, I have the same heritage as my father. # 39; before. "

This gives me peace of mind. from my father's government, I have the same heritage as I had before.

– Esteban Santos (@ EstebanSantos10) July 10, 2018

It was clear that the trill of Esteban had a scent of satire for the children of the ex-president Álvaro Uribe (Tomas and Jerónimo) repeatedly reported using his father's government to do business, when they were barely 20 years old.

Tomás was the first to react. direct way to Stephen's trill.

"Well man @ EstebanSantos10, I regret to find tranquility in the absence of success In our case, we spent 17 years shining in the sun, doing business and creating jobs in COLOMBIA, and success is a legitimate aspiration of those who fought it. "

Well man @ EstebanSantos10 I regret to find tranquility in the absence of success. In our case, we spent 17 years shining in the sun, doing business and creating jobs in COLOMBIA, and success is a legitimate aspiration of those who fought it.

– Tomas Uribe Moreno (@tomasuribeEco) July 11, 2018

Since Uribe was at Casa de Nariño, Tomás and Jerónimo Uribe have launched several companies . 19659005] They had a recycling company (Eco-efficiency), whose activities were criticized.

Also founded a cottage business and they had stores in shopping centers.

But it was the acquisition of 32 hectares of land in 2006, in the municipality of Mosquera (Cundinamarca), area that thanks to a resolution of the then Minister of Finance, Óscar Iván Zuluaga, was converted into a free zone, which generated a major scandal.

Some denunciations of the time have spoken that the property of the Uribe brothers rose from 33 million pesos to about 3 billion pesos

The fact is that the initial trill of Esteban Santos, although he did not mention the children of Uribe, reacted after the endilgarle, a kind of urge for "lack of success" to the son of Santos, he boasted about his experience.

"The success for me these years was to have graduated from school, having served in the glorious army, and having graduated from the university.I do not understand why he surrendered to my trillium ", Esteban replied

The success for me these years was to have graduated from university, to have served in the glorious army and to be a graduate of the university. I do not understand why he came to refer to my trill … ??♂️

– Esteban Santos (@ EstebanSantos10) July 12, 2018

During Tomás and Jerónomo Uribe finished their university careers, but they went further for business.

In fact today, they are conducting business projects in different parts of the country. They are partners of large constructions.

Juan Manuel Santos has three children: Martín, Maria Antonia and Esteban

In the first part of his government Martin, the eldest, accompanied his father in many activities, without belonging to a mbad wage. some. He became influential and was very active in social media to defend his father's work. Since last year he has traveled to the United States to study.

Esteban, the youngest, after serving in the military, traveled to Washington, where he finished his university studies and accompanied his father in the latter part of his tenure. a lot of presence in social networks, defending his government.

Maria Antonia, who also studied in the United States, returned home, was married and recently gave birth to Celeste, the first granddaughter of the president and with whom she is now seen often [19659017] The confrontation between Uribe and Santos is still eventful. This week, by sanctioning the Statute of the Opposition, Santos complained of having had a "false opposition" to Uribe.

Uribe immediately reacted by publishing in social networks many of the major lies that he believed were the main lies. of Santos in these 8 years.

The fight continues.


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