Fighting: The former guardian of River Plate died of a stab at the exit of a bar [VIDEO] | Trade | Total Sport | Football world


A goalkeeper was killed by a knife, probably by an attacker. This is the information that rocked Argentine football early Sunday. The goalkeeper defended the shirt of Almagro and the clothes of the attacker San Telmo . All this in Hurlingham at the exit of a bar

This is Facundo Espíndola Goalkeeper trained at Chacarita Juniors, River Plate and Lanús and who was currently without a club , who was stabbed in the chest, according to video footage that was posted on the Olé newspaper website.

Among the accused of the murder is the football player Nahuel Oviedo who began his career in Hurricane and today belongs to the ranks of San Telmo. He was arrested with one of his friends, accused of simple homicide.

  The Argentine footballer was stabbed in the chest. (Video: YouTube) "title =" The Argentine footballer was stabbed in the chest. (Video: YouTube) "src =" "style =" display: inline; "/> </div>
<p id= Deadly fight: the former River Plate archer died of a stab at the exit of a bar (Video: YouTube)

It all started at 6 hours this Sunday, in Hurlingham, a locality of Buenos Aires .The security cameras of the area caught the fight outside of a bar that not only had the presence of players aforementioned, but then the fight moved to the parking lot of a fast food place, where Facundo Espíndola received the

The homicide is the subject of a In-depth investigation and one of the accused, Nahuel Oviedo, has a criminal record for robbery (sentenced to three years in prison for badaulting a house in 2011) and badault on a woman in 2013.

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